January 15, 2022

A Powerful Process to get Ourselves Unstuck this Full Moon. {January 17}


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Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


The calendar New Year always brings the hype of New Year’s resolutions that come and go, typically quickly. I perceive that about after a month or so, our intentions tend to shift, actionability slows, and so often, what started as a hyped-up goal for the new year fades.

For the past several years, I have used January as more of a pause, a time to reflect, reset, and revisit what hasn’t or has worked the previous year. It has become a month of recalibration in so many ways, and it has worked better and better with each passing year.

When we consider the energy of the moon phases that land in January, we get an extra hint and kickstart into our year.

This year, the full moon in Cancer will be upon us on January 17th. It’s a good time for all of us to stick with what is known, be practical, responsible, and stay the course. Ironically, it’s not actually supportive to start something new at this time. So despite what the latest fashion magazine may suggest, setting a new year resolution may only challenge us to stay our course and trip up our flow.

We can skip the trend and instead focus on the many gifts this time brings, including:

>> the nudge to love on our homes

>> the energy to learn new nutritious recipes

>> space to think about our purpose and what we are here to do

>> taking the time to be content with ourselves

>> reviewing our values and getting clear on what they are

>> trusting our inner values

In addition to all of these beautiful, contemplative, and present keynotes, there is one vital process we can all lean into during this time to clear up and rewrite old stories. To make space for the new in 2022, we can focus on forgiveness work.

It is an optimal time to reach deeply inward, observe the emotions we are experiencing, and then use that information to create ample space in our nervous system and lives by forgiving what is ready to release.

Forgiveness is a process that we have to feel and sense when we are ready to choose it, and there is no time like the present (quite literally written).

How do we know if we need it?

Trauma, memories, and painful events from our past and early childhood can live in us like a heavy river rock, silently taking up space as the flow of energy is redirected. Whether we get flashes of wrongdoings done to us or we are oblivious to the recollection of painful events, memories can live in us like freeloading parasites, constantly sucking life energy.

It shows up in different ways:

Extra body weight

Feeling intense emotions like anger or blame



Difficulty concentrating

Unexplainable fear or anxiety

Mood swings

Feeling guilt or shame

Not wanting to be around others

Sadness or depression

Immune system challenges

Sense of disconnection

Sometimes our bodies let us know things aren’t right; perhaps our emotions fluctuate and are all over; other times our minds take on a fantasy journey, or our surroundings hint that something is off like a flooded home or broken appliance.

Either way, we always have an option to choose differently, no matter how hard that may seem to be. And that choice starts by saying yes to forgiveness work.

While I don’t claim to be a forgiveness expert, I know that my life was stuck until I forgave.

If you are ready to make way for the new in 2022, but you are feeling stuck, slow, or like something just isn’t right, I have a gift for you.

I am sharing what worked for me and, even if this helps one person, I am happy to share. Click here for the steps.

This process is for those triggered by a memory, person, guilt, or remorse, ready to set their hearts free in a self-paced way. The steps I provide can be done without focusing on traumatic events and is a form of support to help work through current triggers and release the past.

I have found that forgiveness and acceptance can be a simple, easy, and ultra charged process to create space for the new—stronger than any resolution I have ever made. Yet sometimes, it’s the simple things we just don’t do. I invite you to keep it simple with me this January and welcome the new in 2022 by joining me in forgiveness. You with me? Let me know in the comments.

*Important to note that this is neither a “cure” nor a “treatment” for trauma, and I recommend a licensed therapist work through life crises.


More on this full moon: Mercury Retrograde & Full Moon in Cancer: A 30-Day Wellness Forecast. {January 2022}


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Gina Nicole Ballard  |  Contribution: 107,275

author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: tailored.art/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra