June 28, 2021

Bedroom Feng Shui: 8 Tips to help Ignite a Romantic & Passionate Partnership.

The term Feng Shui translates to wind water.

Just as the wind moves the water in life, the same is true for things in our homes, moving (or sometimes blocking) energy. The idea is when we move our stuff and change our thinking, we attract the life we desire.

I like to think of Feng Shui to the home, as acupuncture is to the body; only objects, remedies, and thoughts play the part of the acupuncture needles.

I have used the art of Feng Shui to enhance my wealth, make shifts to better my health, and it was an effective tool in helping me attract the love in my life I could not even have envisioned.

I was in the second Feng Shui program I have completed, and it was time for the final project; we had to Feng Shui a space in our own homes, based on a goal we wanted to accomplish. I was in a relationship at the time, but it wasn’t fulfilling. It was a long-distance romance, come and go as we please connection, and looking back, I think we both had one foot in and one foot out.

I decided to focus on the desire in my heart to have a romantic partnership that was balanced and full.

In Feng Shui, the bedroom is the room in our homes connected to the energy of relationships, and I knew that would be my focus.

My bedroom at the time was comfortable and beautiful to me. It was filled with purple textiles and throws, had all of my spiritual tools (like oracle cards and pendulums), and I loved the beautiful non-compliant decorative metal bed frame. There were huge mirrored closet doors that reflected an oddly placed sink in the physical bedroom space itself (which would be significant “draining” energy where Feng Shui was concerned).

I was already a Feng Shui Practioner at the time, and I knew that many of these components were not supportive of strong chi (aka life force energy) for a bedroom that would enhance a loving partnership. I tend to be a rule-breaker and someone who likes to push the limits, and I had many things in this room that needed to change, and so it began.

Here are the changes I made:

>> I replaced purple (color of chastity and spirituality) with pink (love and passion).

>> I put things in pairs to signify “partnership.”

>> I brought a tad more fire element in to promote passion, vitality, and warmth.

>> I made sure the nightstands matched, were balanced, and added two candles (one on each), “his and hers.”

>> It is not recommended to have a bed against or under a large window, but there is typically a remedy for everything. I enhanced the once exposed window that my bed frame was against with soft coverings.

>> I emptied a shelf in the closet to symbolize receptivity while creating space for my future partner.

>> I replaced my gray bedsheets with skin-toned sheets.

>> This one was hard for me, but I re-homed my spiritual artwork and tools to the living area. I replaced the art with a canvas that displayed a couple under an umbrella, which reminded me of love, joy, and romance.

>> I removed pictures of friends and family from the bedroom and replaced them with images that reminded me of the new such as sunrises and two blossoming flowers.

>> I brought in two plants and always kept two fresh flowers on my dresser.

>> I added a crystal to the “marriage and relationship” sector of this room, according to the BTB Bagua Map.

>> I found another place to store my laptop and work-related items.

>> I went through my clothing and removed any items that didn’t make me feel good.

Two weeks after making these changes, the person I was seeing decided to leave. Two weeks after that, I met my now-husband.

While it’s easy to be skeptical and may seem a little out there, the only way we can know if it works for us is if we give it a try and play with it!

Following are eight Feng Shui tips for the bedroom to ignite romantic and passionate energy. Try them out and see what happens!


The bedroom is a place for love, rest, and intimacy and should honor those aspects. Remove anything that doesn’t focus on love, such as clutter, dirty clothes, spiritual artwork, or items. As a general rule of thumb, if it would be awkward or uninspiring to look at something when taking part in romantic activities, it needs to go in another room.


Keeping items in pairs in the bedroom promote couplehood. I like to keep two battery-operated candles of the same size to promote equal partnership. Another item that is important to match in a bedroom is nightstands. They should be balanced and equal.


Use artwork with romantic imaging that inspires love, and brings an expansive feeling to the heart. Keep all photos of children and family out of the bedroom, and remove artwork that symbolizes solitary or lonely scenes.

Create Space.

It can be helpful to create space in the bedroom to make room for someone special to cohabitate. Some ways to do this are hanging several hangers in the closet ready to be used, empty one nightstand, or clean out a drawer to prepare to share the room with someone special.


The best colors to use for a bedroom are skin tones to promote sensuality and romance. Using some fire colors in the bedroom can ignite passion; I like pink to bring in love and romance, and just a touch of red for fiery passion. It is essential to discern the meaning of various colors, and bring them in with intention!


Check the bed size and ensure it is not too small or too big. The goal is to have a bed that will fit two people comfortably, and ensure there is not drifting away from one another during sleep. Consider new bedding if necessary. It is not recommended to use white sheets. An essential part of the bed is the mattress. It is vital to replace a shared mattress from a previous partnership.

Keep it Light.

Remove any heavy electronics or work-related items from the bedroom. Remember a bedroom is a place solely for love, rest, and romance.

Nature Calls.

Bring nature into space. Flowers on the nightstand can bring happiness and joy to life. Plants (only with soft edges) bring alive energy in, but use plants sparingly.

If it calls to, give some of these a test drive and see how it feels. Be creative and have fun! If you need inspiration, reach out. I would love to hear about your progress, wins, and ideas in the comments.

It has always worked for me; may it bless you!


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author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: Claudia van Zyl/Unsplash

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra