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January 10, 2022

What To Do When You Are Lost In Life

Photo by nappy on Pexels.

You have officially graduated from college. You have no idea what you want to do with your life and no one is hiring because the pandemic has not ended yet completely.

Let me first start off by saying you are not alone and chances are you’re looking on LinkedIn where everyone is posting the exciting new job that they just got or showcasing their trip to Aruba that was probably funded by mommy and daddy on Instagram. While you sitting at home reading this post being sad how everyone is further along than you are. I am here to tell you that you are exactly where you are supposed to be and if you are between the ages of 20 and 25 years old you are about to start the greatest journey of your life.

You are about to start navigating the world which I’m telling you is much harder than the bullshit you have been putting up with for the last 18 years of your life. The best part about being this age is the fact that you don’t have all the baggage that comes with being an adult, but you will in a few years. Now is the time for you to start that youtube channel or blog. It’s a time where you can eat like shit 5 days a week and save that cash up. Now is the time for you to take risks in this world because later in life this opportunity will no longer be there.

The truth of the matter is now is the time for you to be a little selfish. This will not make you a selfish person but it will get you on the path to success. Spending time worrying about what others think is the worst thing possible. You have your own ambitions in life and other people will have different likes and interests and that is okay

As I am writing this I recall my last semester in college. All of my friends were doing what they loved to do and I was just hopping on the bandwagon. A close friend of mine started trading stocks, another started food videos on Instagram. Every person I knew was doing something and I was just going along with it because they would keep telling me how successful they were at it. I would continuously fail at it and get more depressed because I was failing. The truth of the matter is I was not failing because I was stupid, I was failing because I didn’t enjoy any of these subjects so I was unwilling to put the work in.

When you start something make sure you enjoy it. I told myself I would be a millionaire by 25 and on my 24th birthday, I was driving back to my mom’s house with every belonging I owned in my car and a savings account that was worth 0 dollars.

The big question though is where do I start.

Stop Overthinking: This is probably the worst thing you can do. Overthinking will only manifest negative emotions in your brain which will cause you to consistently put yourself down. When you are consistently in a negative place in life you will not be able to showcase your true talents and achieve your goals.

Stop Comparing Yourself to others: The best part about social media is that it connects us all in one place. The worst part about it is the percentage of people who suffer from fear of missing out disorder also known as FOMO has risen tremendously. You are your own person and you need to understand that. Everyone has different qualities that make them. Be proud of the qualities you have. The worst thing you can do when you are lost in life is to hop on the bandwagon of what everyone else is doing. By doing quote on quote what everyone else is doing you are not allowing yourself to follow your true passions in life.

Start doing: A majority of the time, when people are lost in life they don’t know what their passions are. The biggest question we get on our podcast complete madness is how do I find my passion. The truth is the only way to find it is to try and fail. Not the most motivating words but it’s the truth. Failure is a stepping stone on the path to greatness. Every successful person you speak will remember the times that they failed and they didn’t sit around and mope about it. They looked back analyzed and learned from the mistakes they made in order to succeed. So if there is one thing you take from this blog it is to fail until you succeed. Invest in the things that intrigue you. Invest in what interests you. Try and fail until you succeed.

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