February 13, 2022

A Recipe for Love on this Valentine’s Day.

“True love cannot be found where it truly does not exist, nor can it be hidden where it truly does.” ~ Torquato Tasso


Personally, I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day.

I think if you love someone, you show them in a variety of subtle ways, each and every day. In a gentle touch, a knowing look, a cooked meal, a private joke, a shared movie, a quiet hug, honest communication. Deep love should be spiritual, physical, and emotional.

I’m not a fan because it has become a commercialised, public display of materialism and a social media show. Love to me is between two people; it’s not a community event. Lovers can show their love beautifully, to each other, without requiring external validation, without putting it on display.

So I’ve spent today cooking up a recipe for love this Valentine’s Day (measurements can be varied and don’t relate to importance of ingredients).

Serve it up and see how you go!


2 tablespoons of respect

1/2 cup of independence

3 grams of loyalty

3 tablespoons of open communication

1 1/2 cups of authenticity

4 grams of passion

1/2 bag of chemistry

1 litre of trust

2 cups of vulnerability

5 grams of courage

3 tablespoons of humour

2 pounds of matching energy

1 bag of attraction

1 cup of friendship

1 1/2 pounds of healing and growth

Sprinkling of touch

Dash of a look

Splash of desire


Take all the ingredients and toss them into a large bowl. Slowly mix with tenderness, compassion, and gratitude. Keep stirring with affection and kindness, tasting to ensure it has the right balance of warm flavours and spicy heat. The right blend of genuine feelings and sincerity.

Bake on high heat until firm but moist. Each morsel a tantalising mix of cosy and titillating with the strong flavours of real, raw, and honest in every bite. A veritable feast of love, in all its beauty and imperfect perfection. No publication of this love is required. Real doesn’t need external validation.

Make every day your own version of Valentine’s Day.

Make it beautifully authentic and from the soul.



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Michelle Schafer  |  Contribution: 119,620

author: Michelle Schafer

Image: Toa Heftiba/Unsplash

Editor: Elyane Youssef