February 27, 2022

Russia-Ukraine Crisis: May this Wake us Up.

As I woke to greet another day, my foggy mind reflected immediately upon how fortunate we are.

No bombs. No gunshots. No buildings burning to the ground. No immediate fear for our lives, wondering where we will go, or most importantly, will we live to have another moment?

Snuggles with my dog and morning greetings to my loved ones are my first actions on any day.

Then, the news. Not just local news, world news. I’m fixated on any major event as if I were reporting on it myself. It’s constantly on my mind and in my heart.

Breaking news, nuclear weapons preparations are underway, ordered by Putin. Threat has been escalated.

It’s the weekend, so a brief visit to social media channels follows, and it’s as if there is nothing to see here.

Self-obsession, partying, new purchases.

Selfies, complaints about having to work today, upset about relationships with narcissists.

Thank God for the puppies and babies—my number one reason for signing on for smiles and a spirit lift.

I’m staying with my folks, and it allows for lively morning conversations. We’ve always talked about everything—agreeing, disagreeing, or something in between. We eradicate some opinions, think about things differently, and stand the chance to shift beliefs. We’ve never been rigid, unrelenting, or ignorant. We welcome discussions on anything and everything.

So, today, my father shared the story of a young model from Ukraine who is indeed armed and dangerous, prepared to defend her country.



The patriotism we are seeing is fierce. The Ukrainians are passionate, committed, and strong. They are not afraid to sacrifice their own lives in the quest to save them.

Would we see the same in America? Would our young people jump into action? I’m not talking the ones who are serving in our military. The ones who aren’t. The ones who are taking selfies and crying because their dorm room isn’t big enough. The ones who didn’t get the new iPhone or BMW. Not winning the TikTok competition. Hurt feelings, long work days, and having to earn their keep. Immense suffering.

Some will get me wrong, I expect it. But I’m eternally grateful that my parents never shielded me from life’s uglier side. They allowed me to hear and see things, then educated me so I would learn.

Life is not easy; children shouldn’t be raised to think it is. They need to be raised in a way that will equip them with the strength and values needed to survive and be of service to others.

I love immensely. I care deeply. I am filled with compassion and empathy for others. I also recognize that there is good and evil that exist in our world—no matter how peace-loving and kind we are.

I’m anti-war. Aren’t we all, aside from Putin? Do any of us want to destroy others in making our point? Would we set out to kill people to get what we want?

The politicians of the United States want to take away our guns, yet criminal minds will always get their hands on them, but we will be at risk for defending our families, friends, and loved ones should we find ourselves in the same situation as the Ukrainians.

(Note: I do not own a gun, but I am NRA certified and would be ready to save you if called upon.)

May this violent invasion provoke thought. May it inspire our own patriotism. May it make us realize how lucky we are as we complain about our country.

How spoiled are we, people? How spoiled in taking for granted the very freedoms that are slowly, but surely, being taken away from us?

And may this wake us up—before we find ourselves in the same position as Ukraine. Don’t be foolish in thinking that it can’t happen to us.


More on Ukraine:

The Danger & Trauma of Conspiracy Theory Rhetoric about the Ukrainian Conflict.

4 Things Everyone should Keep in Mind about the War in Ukraine.

“Shame on Putin? Shame on @elephantjournal for pushing sides.”


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author: Erin Murphy

Image: Twitter/CaseyPromise

Editor: Elyane Youssef