March 13, 2022

A Vegan Beet Burger every Foodie should try at least Once.

I love burgers.

I crave them the whole time.

When I stopped eating meat 10 years ago, I had no idea how to recreate veggie burgers. So, oftentimes, I’d randomly place some vegetables in a burger bun and add avocados to satisfy my appetite.

Thanks to books, TV programs, and YouTube videos, I’ve become a self-taught veggie chef (in my own kitchen, of course). I’ve created more than 10 veggie burger recipes that are healthy, satisfying, and believe it or not, much tastier than regular burgers.

The last vegan burger recipe I created was made with beetroots. I had no idea if it was going to work out, but, to my surprise, it turned out to be the best one so far. If you’re an avid foodie, or a burger lover like me, this recipe is for you!

Also, the colors in this burger are heavenly. Try it and see for yourself!



The patty

2 small beets
1 baby carrot shredded

1 onion finely chopped
2 fresh mushrooms chopped
4 or 5 tbsp. quinoa flour

1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. nutritional yeast
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
2 tsp. burger seasoning
Pinch of salt
Pinch of pepper

The burger

Vegan burger buns
Baby rocket

Mashed avocado

Vegan mayonnaise


Makes two patties



1. I always leave boiled beets in my fridge for salads and shakes, but if you don’t, you can roast or boil them.

2. Once you’ve cooked the beets, you can place them in a blender. Blend until smooth. Keep them in the blender and put aside.

3. Heat the pan on medium heat and add the shredded carrot, the chopped onion, and the chopped mushrooms. Then add a bit of salt and pepper.

4. Once they’re cooked, add them in the blender on top of the beets. (You can also strain them before blending them to get rid of any excessive liquid/oil.)

5. Add in your spices: garlic powder, nutritional yeast, nutmeg, burger seasoning. (Add salt if required.) Blend until smooth and move to a bowl.

6. Add quinoa flour and mix well until combined. (Add more quinoa flour if the patty feels too mushy.)

7. Form into two patties.

8. For well-formed, firmer patties, I like to refrigerate them for at least one day. If you do this, the ingredients will stick and your patty won’t break apart. If you can’t wait because they look so good, refrigerate for at least one hour.

8. Heat the pan on medium heat and fry your patty and sliced onions. I like to put the bun on the sides of the pan too because I like it warm.

9. Occasionally turn the patty and caramelize your onions.

10. In a burger bun, add your mayo and mashed avocado (I like to mix them together with a bit of lemon juice). Then add your patty and another layer of mayo and avocado, then, on top, place your caramelized onions. Top the other side with mayo and avocado and add the rockets and lettuce.

11. Don’t forget to thank me! (You will.)



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author: Elyane Youssef

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