March 6, 2022

Femen Ukraine protest against Putin, in Paris, France. [Nudity, Context]

Protest in Paris, France.

“This is a feminist group that originated in Ukraine called Femen/фемен. “my body is my weapon” is their slogan and going topless isn’t anything new for them. But.. why topless? They’re aware it’s very effective at bringing media attention and they can use this to their advantage and take their bodies back from sexualization and use it for a better purpose of their own will. Unfortunately they really haven’t been successful and aren’t very well liked in eastern countries.”

Great question: “I get everything and I think it makes sense but how is does being naked lead to taking back ones body from sexualisation if sexualisation is an external effect?”

Two answers: “Because they try to look strong and in control while being topless, something that is not the traditional view of women who expose their body.”

“The normalization of women’s bodies outside of a sexual context desexualizes them to an extent.”

More historical and wartime and artistic context: 

“The July Revolution. There’s a famous French painting [Liberty Leading The People], that was made during the revolution of a bare chested French woman carrying the French flag while leading a group of people onwards. The bare chest signifies freedom from oppression and exposing the bare truth. In other words, these ladies are being aptly French in their protest display right now.”



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