April 1, 2022

Chris Rock’s first comments on Will Smith, with a dig on Jada. Will Smith responds. {April Fool’s}

So relieved to be able to put this to rest.

“Look, he’s had a rough go of it. His wife has…had affairs, it seems. That’s none of my business. But he’s clearly off his balance, not happy, looking to show up and be protective but on edge, aggressive, emotional, off balance. I don’t take any of that personally, and that’s the bald truth. I wish him only the best.”

Will Smith, through his publicist, responded: “Violence is never the way, Chris, and I deeply apologize. I am a vessel of love, and that is my calling. But you say my wife’s name again and I will end you, any of you. While some may seek to learn from this episode, I am not society’s fallen Greek God.

I am not caught up in White Knighting, toxic masculinity, or unresolved wounds related to my wife’s infidelity or romances with Scientology, which she lied about. I am good!”

Nothing we shared this morning was true. All of it had truth in it.

April Fool’s Day, once a year? Never! I know it’s “cool” to hate on April Fool’s, these days, but it’s wise to be foolish—& gosh knows the world needs one uncancelable day. Unconditionally Cheerful April the First.

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