April 22, 2022

Ladies, Let’s Stick Together (The World is Hard Enough).


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I spent a lot of my younger adult years being jealous of other girls.

I wished I was a little bit taller, a tiny bit thinner, earned more money—the list was really long. After I finally grew into myself, I realized that women were way too busy tearing each other apart and needed to do better at lifting each other up.

I’m now all grown up and raising two teenage girls. I’m trying to teach them every day to support one another and every other girl they know. I’m trying to remind them every day that they are smart and strong and capable. I want them to choose being kind over being popular.

Mean girls are rampant on social media. It’s impossible not to encounter catfights everywhere you turn. Especially for young, impressionable girls. So, what do we do? How do we avoid competing against each other? We stick together—that’s how.

Some things we can do:

>> Let’s be kind to one another.

>> Let’s encourage each other.

>> Let’s be sounding boards for one another.

>> Let’s love each other.

>> Let’s support each other on the hard days.

>> Let’s remind each other how amazing we are.

The world is hard enough as it is, don’t you think? And if you ask me, our energy is way better spent being kind than being mean. I want us all to win. So, let’s do better, together.

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Melissa Patrick  |  Contribution: 46,090

author: Melissa Patrick

Image: giuliajrosa/Instagram

Editor: Juliana Otis