After two years?
Make that five years, I’ve finally finished my “if I get run over by a truck tomorrow here’s everything I learned the hard way so that you may learn it the easy way” book. It’s called “It’s Never too Late to Fall in Love with your Life,” a message that has been helpful to me on hard days. And these days, many of us are having many hard days.
So with the book going to eco, local, plastic-free press (unlike 99, okay 99.9% of other modern (all old books were pretty eco) books, it’s plastic-free, hand-sewn, cloth, local, and actually plants trees and has a carbon-negative impact) this is the final chance to reserve your copy. When you pre-order, you get $5 bucks off, and you get it signed by yours truly, free. That’ll be a lot of signing, but it’s a small way I can say thank you for helping Elephant and in this case myself keep it real, eco, fair-labor and then-some, and independent.
The link to reserve your copy is here.
PS: on a whole other subject, Elephant Journal now offers DMing (messaging) for readers! Check it out here. The button is on top of the page (though not in our app, yet). Message an author, a friend, an editor, or me! I will reply!
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