April 1, 2022

The “American Idol” Audition we all Need to See. Now.

Heartbreaking. Moving. Powerful. True.

It’s hard to put into words the feelings this song brings up.

And, to be honest, it’s not my place to put words or feelings to this song because I’m white, I’m a part of the problem, and I will never understand what it feels like to be a Black person in America.

But this song needs to be heard by everyone. Now. Because we all need to witness the raw emotion and painful truth that pours through Taylor Fagins’ voice. These people need to be heard. This message needs to be felt.

Please deeply listen to the lyrics. And be prepared to weep:


The second time I watched this, the “this is for you” Taylor said before he began playing had a whole new meaning. The depth of his emotion and the power of those four words were gut-wrenching.

And then Lionel Richie commented, “I wasn’t birthed until what was happening until the ‘60s, and those songs were there too. What I’m emotional about is we need your song in 2022. How disgusting.”

It’s truly disgusting.

Thank you, Taylor Fagins, for sharing your art with the world and showing your heart.

Please share this video with your friends, your family, your neighbors, strangers on the street, anyone.

Here are the full lyrics:

Ahmaud Arbery
You went for a run ’cause you probably felt free
Ahmaud Arbery
Your run had an end that nobody could see

Little black boys don’t run outside or play with water guns at night
They run away from red and white blue lights
And little black boys don’t go to stores or use their pockets anymore
Can someone tell them what they’re living for?
They want more

Oh, Breonna Taylor
I bet your sleep felt so peaceful and pure
Oh, Breonna Taylor
Your peace was ended by police burglars

Oh, oh
Little black girls don’t close thеir eyes or walk the streets alonе at night
They turn their cameras on when they see white
And little black girls don’t open doors or use their pockets anymore
Can someone tell them what they’re living for?
They need more
They need more
They need more
We need more

Little black boys and girls are scared
Their parents feel so unprepared
The world sees black no matter what you wear
So little black boys and girls don’t cry
We’ll fight to find an alibi
So you can go outside and never die
We will try
We will try
We will try

We will try to open doors
Try to go to stores
We’ll try to find the light we’re living for
We need more
We need more

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Juliana Otis  |  Contribution: 87,030

author: Juliana Otis

Image: American Idol/YouTube