June 7, 2022

Branded by Light, Broken in Love. {Poem}

broken in love

I remember the day you gave me

that ring

the one that symbolized

our undying love.

One dragonfly and another

banded by silver and turquoise

etched in decadent design.

Oh, how beautiful it was

and how beautiful you were

when you said to me

how I was the one and

how we were always to be.

I remember how it felt,

sitting upon my ring finger

hoping one day

it may be the real thing.

I sit here in this house

in this home we built for two

but it’s nothing of the same

yet it still wreaks of you.

You are like a ghost

and I am but

your haunting grounds.

I’ve cleaned and I’ve saged.

I’ve begged and I’ve pleaded—

to finally say goodbye.

Goodbye to the day-old daydream

filling my head with make-belief

that one day

you and I

just might be;

that the pain we gave freely

could be taken away

just as easily.

And that one day,

I may share your name.

The universe made sure

to give me a little taste.

“Impeccable timing,” I thought

just as we came to a fork in our road

and went our separate ways.

I am jealous of the sky

that holds you

but I am more jealous

of the ring I’ll never wear.

Its beauty hidden in a box

like keeping it from the world

is a sin.

Where love once was,

banded by dragonflies,

and destined by the stars

You were mine, and I,


and now, there are butterflies.

butterflies who land promise

branded upon my pinky.

I dream of them

roaming wild and free

playing tag at dawn,

and being kissed at night

by the full moon,

and her eternal light.


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Kaitlin Overlock  |  Contribution: 2,265

author: Kaitlin Overlock

Image: Toa Heftiba/Unsplash

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra