July 6, 2022

25 Things to Love about Early Mornings.

I love early mornings.

I always have.

I love the peace and the quiet and I love feeling like I have the entire world to myself. I love that I can start my day slowly—and with doing things I love.

I love being out in nature; it feels like I’m in on a secret that no one else knows—how beautiful it is during that time of day.

Even when I was a young girl, I’d jump out of bed. It just feels like the best time of the day to me! My dad has told me how I’d stand outside while he shoveled snow in the morning when I was a little girl, and I remember going on walks with him too.

This morning, I asked this question on one of our social media pages:

“What do you love about early mornings?”

While I am an extreme morning person, I know that a lot of people aren’t—so I honestly expected a lot of responses like, “Nothing!” And while there were those, there were also a lot of people who expressed what they love about early mornings.

Here are 25 things to love about early mornings, from Elephant readers:

1. “Smell of dew, crispness in the air, the early light as dawn approaches.” ~ Rolando

2. “The quiet and alone time.” ~ Maureen

3. “Going back to bed!” ~ Krista

4. “Stroll in my garden with my coffee. The birds sing their best songs then…greeting the day.” ~ Susan

5. “Everything! The sky, the cool air, the fact that it’s just me and my kids are sleeping soundly, the coffee, the time to write in my gratitude journal.” ~ Molly

6. “The quiet, the meditative peace. I’m lucky that I live in a place surrounded by green, with cardinals, crows, and other birds – sometimes a woodpecker shows up. I start my day with a book, my journal, and a coffee.” ~ Dan

7. “That my God has given me another day, another chance to serve.” ~ Kevin

8. “Drinking my coffee, watering flowers, and watching the birds.” ~ Sara

9. “Morning journaling, with my pup curled up in my lap and then we do a meditation together.” ~ Laurie

10. “The freshness. The quiet. The beautiful smell of the damp Earth waking to an avian orchestra.” ~ Karen

11. “Seeing my dog’s beautiful face light up when we see each other, rubbing her cute face, and then starting the day by taking her out. Rain or shine.” ~ Alicia

12. “Walking through the woods in early morning — meditating on the sound of birds singing, the feel of a gentle breeze, the sight of flowers blooming in the Spring/Summer, or snow-covered trees in the Winter…and the silence. Returning home to a soothing cup of tea…and carrying the peace of early morning with me throughout the entire day.” ~ Lorein

13. “What’s not to Love? I’ve always been a morning person, even as a child. The sounds of life waking up as the sky starts to bring us nature’s light. The beginning of a new day to me calms my soul.” ~ Catherine

14. “Snuggling with my husband. I love the smell of his skin and the sound of his breathing. I feel completely safe and loved.” ~ Connie

15. “Everything! The beautiful sunrise, the quietness, hearing the birds sing, and the air. It’s the time for prayer and being thankful for another day.” ~ Lynda

16. “The fact I can be alone with a coffee and no noise.” ~ Jo

17. “Nobody needs me except for me. Waking up extra early to workout and then enjoy a cup of coffee before my to-do list or anyone needs me. It is time for just me.” ~ Torri

18. “I love mornings-walking in the city with my dog-watching early delivery trucks unloading and staff opening cafes and vegetable markets (people are setting out tables, sweeping etc.) greeting street cleaners- they love the dog, less cars so I can hear birds in the trees, the way the light hits the buildings, cooler temperatures, watching old men with tiny dogs and their first cigarette of the day, seeing people order their first espresso at cafes, or early birds dressed up nicely on scooters zipping by on their way to work. It’s like we’re the early risers beating the city rush.” ~ Marti

19. “Peace. Quiet. Birds Chirping. Sun Rise. A Few Moments For Myself. Early Morning Prayers. Just Waking Up.” ~ Angela

20. “Watching sun come up while listening to the birds. Also sitting on the dock & watching the morning mist raise off the water while listening to the loons calling & church bells echoing in the background on Sunday in Ingoldsby.” ~ Debbie

21. “The stillness, the fresh air, the neighbours chooks talking. Taking my dog for a drive to my favourite lookout to do my morning prayer/meditation and a nice cup of tea.” ~ Elke

22. “I love how smooth and cool the sheets are on my feet as I turn over to go back to sleep.” ~ Jo

23. “I love to hit the road before dawn, head to the swimming pool, and swim and stretch my body in the warm pool. It gives me a good start to my day. ~ Angela

24. “Getting my son ready for school…he loves school so to help him prepare for the day gives me so much joy because he’s always happy…”~ Natasha

25. “Seeing my beautiful family which I’m thankful for every single day.” ~ Emma


What do you love about early mornings?


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Lisa Erickson  |  Contribution: 262,570

author: Lisa Erickson

Image: Darius Bashar/Unsplash