March 31, 2022

227 Words on the Beauty of the Early Morning Hours.

I love the soft




Of the early morning hours.

The silence

The space

To just be

And breathe

To connect

To me

To be present

And soft

And still

With me.

Whatever is happening

Inside of me.

I love the quiet


Yet alive

And vibrant


The world seeming fresh

And new


A world that feels like it’s all mine

Like it’s only me

Like I’m in on a secret

That no one else knows

One of the beauty

And the power

And the magic

Of this time

Of these hours

Of this space

I love and have always loved

The early morning hours.

The beauty of the light, warm glow

Of the rising sun

The sunrise sun.

The way the world looks

And feels

And sounds

The happy sounds

Sounds of the world moving

And waking up

Movement amongst the stillness

And quiet

Life amongst the stillness

And quiet

The feel of the air

On my skin

Of connecting with nature

As I move and breathe

Outside with her—

Mother Nature.

I love the time

And the space

And the quiet

The ability to just be

To connect to me

To do what I want

And can for me

The space to be present

And soft

And in tune

With me

The luscious, expansive space

I love the early morning hours.


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author: Lisa Erickson

Image: Yohann LIBOT/Unsplash