July 21, 2022

The Sexiest Thing about the new Victoria’s Secret…

…isn’t the photos.

Victoria’s Secret is that toxic jock bully who rebrands his slinky slippery predator self as a hipster nerd punk a few long beats after it’s become inconvenient to exploit others.

If we’re feeling more generous, they’re now going all in on empowerment, on all bodies, on a redefinition of sexiness as loving ourselves instead of looking outside for what’s “perfect,” while, in here, we hate ourselves.

The sexiest thing about the new ad campaign isn’t the ad campaign, at all. It’s the pushback from millions of, you know, us, that inspired the corporate powers-that-be to, you know, grabble with ethics. I look forward to a fair-trade, fair-labor, organic, plastic-free, deadstock-using, women-empowering VS. That’s a VS I, and millions of others, would love to see be a part of representing those troubling man-made ideals of women’s beauty to the impressionable next generation of girls, and women.


The forthcoming documentary:

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