July 13, 2022

How to Utilize this Practical Capricorn Full Moon. {July 13/14}

*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


How to Utilize this Practical Capricorn Full Moon

Summon and Channel Ambition

With the Moon being in Capricorn, our demands are amplified especially with a Sun/Moon opposition in the mix. While this may be nerve-racking at first, harnessing it will come easy if you are self-aware of these energies.

Remember that although demands are high, there’s an abundance of energy to meet obligations. Full Moons mark a culmination or a turning point in our lives, so starting new projects isn’t advised. If you already set your eyes on something with the previous New Moon in Cancer, right now is the time you could be recognized for your efforts, although this doesn’t mean labor is out of sight. These next two weeks will be marked by hard work because of the nature of Capricorn. It is easy to fall into pessimism during this time, so set reminders that “you can” and “you will.”

Respect Existing Structures that are Working

This does not apply to any oppressive systems of authority, however. Justice Judge Thomas’ natal chart is reflective of today’s Full Moon in Capricorn. His Natal Sun, Mercury, and Venus are in Cancer, and his Natal Moon is in serious, traditional Capricorn. He does not embody a higher octave of these energies, but the lowest, perverse depiction of them. There are structures, however, that could objectively create a safe environment for the public, such as stricter gun laws in America. These have proven to be effective as preventative measures that could save America a lot of grief.

Accept Responsibility

These are not fun words and nobody really wants to hear them. Capricorn is a sign of maturity and karma. Everyone is dealt with cards that they are not too stoked about. You are called to play them to your best ability. This doesn’t mean accepting things as they are, or you should not challenge the status quo—quite the contrary.

It means, that if you are in a situation, regardless of how you got there or who put you there, all you can do right now is play strategically, and understand that there are powers at play that may overpower you; you cannot control everything.

You can, however, work on self-control, creating a plan, and implementing it to have the best outcome. Self-pity is not going to fly around this time. What are you doing today to actualize your goals?

Venus/Saturn Trine Aspect

Venus in airy Gemini forms a trine with Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn is the traditional ruler of Capricorn, and Venus is all about money. Depending on your natal chart, of course, this is a good indicator of financial stability if you are committed to doing the work that is called to you. Look at your natal chart to see which houses Gemini and Aquarius reside in to get a more concise idea.

For many Taurus, Libra, Aquarius, and Capricorn natives, this will be a social and productive time. Promotion is possible, but so is added responsibility.


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