July 13, 2022

The Night is on Fire & All I Can Think of is You.

all I can think of

The night is on fire and all I can think of is you.

Stars are ablaze—a beacon of hope burning bright and true.

Reach out; I will take your hand.

Pull me into your light and love—

Music moves me.

Stepping out across the Universe to you,

Hold on, hold fast.

The waves of light ripple in a cosmic storm.

A celestial garden awaits.

The gems of the Universe.

Listen, the Universe plays a beautiful love song.

I am done with resisting this desire.

My life, my love is yours, my love.

Hold fast for love is near.


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Renee Fesser  |  Contribution: 67,645

author: Renee Fesser

Image: Brenner Oliveira/Pexels

Editor: Michelle Al Bitar