July 11, 2022

The Power in You: A Poem for When we Feel Down & Stuck.

“To live lost and stumbling in the darkness for a bit will teach you to find strength during times of uncertainty.” ~ Anonymous


Not all days are the same, are they?

Some days we feel like we have it all together; on other days, we struggle to find ourselves, our motivation, and sense of purpose.

On some days, the world looks bright and shiny and things seem perfectly aligned. Yet, on others, everything seems out of control, misaligned, without having the slightest clue how to go about it.

At some point, we might question the meaning of everything. Our existential crisis seems to be the only reality that makes sense in such times. It feels real.

And on such days, we find it particularly hard to pick ourselves up and get moving. In other words, we feel like giving up.

While tiding over such days seems like a mammoth task, it’s only when we’re able to get up do we realise that we have something inside of us that is always nudging us to keep going.

A little voice inside of us tells us in subtle and sometimes loud ways, “Hey, you’ve got this!” and we somehow tide over it. What is that voice? It’s our own inner strength and wisdom calling out to us and telling us to keep moving. It keeps reminding us of the vision that we carry for ourselves, those small dreams that rest in our eyes and dance with joy in our hearts!

When things seem to be going downhill and we’re struggling to hold on, all we need is a gentle nudge, a slight push toward our self.

This one’s for each one of us who may find themselves struggling to keep their heads above the water at some point in time:

There’s a power in you,
That shines through,
A spark within,
That tells you,
You’re enough,
And will be,
For all the things there will be.
A little good and little bad,
For all the rough times you’ve had,
And there may be more coming too,
But you have your power shining through!
That voice in your head,
That beat in your heart,
That smile on your face that sets you apart!
Those memories when you fought so hard,
They tell me and they tell you,
That for all life has to offer to you,
Rest if you must,
You’ll always have your power shining through,
That will pick you up and take you through,
All you need is you.
You are the Intentional Being.

Author’s note: This poem is from my book The Intentional Being.


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Damini Grover  |  Contribution: 113,625

author: Damini Grover

Image: elifskies/Pexels

Editor: Elyane Youssef