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April 2, 2023

What Is Feminine Energy? 5 Ways To Embody Your Femininity

We all have a certain idea of what it means to be feminine, and associate certain traits to femininity.

Feminine energy is the polar opposite of masculine energy, and both complement each other.

Whilst masculine energy is focused on goals, on doing, on achieving, and it is a direct line, feminine energy is a line with many curves, is soft, slow, and focused on enjoying life and being in the present moment.

In our society, masculine energy tend to be “valued” more than feminine energy. This creates a feeling of being off-balance, both individually and culturally.

Most people (men and women) are too focused on doing and achieving, and not really spend much time cultivating their inner world of emotions and connecting with themselves and others in a meaningful way.

Especially in women, this can make them resentful, frustrated and plain exhausted.

Women don’y have the same amounts of testosterone that men have, and are not designed to be constantly doing and on the go, especially with their monthly cycles and fluctuations.

Being disconnected from their feminine energy in this world and too much living in masculine energy, can make a woman being in survival mode, not truly enjoying the pleasure of living her natural design.

So for women who feel this way it is important to reconnect and embody their feminine energy, their true core essence.

But many women have trouble doing this, having lived so many years embodying masculine traits.

So keep reading as I am about to tell you the 5 main ways to connect and embody your feminine energy:

1. Slow Down

Very often women who are too much in their masculine energy are always rushing everywhere.

They have daily goals and tasks to achieve, and they run all day to get things done.

This makes them feel almost robotic, in automatic mode.

So, the first step top embody your feminine energy is to slow down.

Is to be mindful of the present moment. To pay attention to your surroundings, to how your body feels, to what you need. In other words, take time to smell the roses.

Drop the belief that things won’t get done if you don’t rush everywhere. Prioritize what needs to be done, and do it in a joyful way, to truly enjoy what you are doing, not just to achieve the outcome.

2. Ask for Help

One thing many women in their masculine energy struggle to do is to ask for help.

They want to do everything themselves. And very often this makes them resentful and exhausted.

One thing feminine women do is asking for help. They are open to receive help from others, and they enjoy being taken care of.

So, start asking for help in many of the things you need to do on a daily basis, or delegate certain things to others.

For example, instead of going out to buy groceries, get them delivered at your home. Hire a cleaner to come once or twice weekly so you can take time off to rest.

If you have your own business, delegate certain tasks to an assistant or a freelancer. Ask your boyfriend or husband to help you in many things. Masculine men love to help women!

3. Open to Receive

Women embodying their feminine energy love to receive!

Masculine energy is all about doing, feminine energy is all about attracting and receiving.

So instead of pushing and forcing to have what you want in life, try to take care of your feminine radiance and opening up to receive abundance in many ways. And be grateful for it!

Let masculine men provide for you and take care of you. Let yourself receive help and many good things from others and from the Universe.

4. Connect to and Express your Emotions

Whilst masculine energy is all about controlling and managing emotions (so things get done and goals are achieved), feminine energy is all about feeling.

It’s about being connected to your heart and feeling all spectrum of emotions, the good and the not so pretty ones.

And it’s also about expressing those emotions into the world.

Connect with how you feel, honour your emotions, and express them. Don’t be scared of being vulnerable.

Tell others how something makes you feel, and let people hold space for it.

Connecting with your emotions also means knowing when you need rest and giving your body the rest and relaxation it needs.

5. Be More Playful

As we said before, masculine energy is about being focused on achieving an outcome.

But feminine energy is all about enjoying the present moment. Not just on vacations or weekends, but every single day!

It’s all about being spontaneous and letting your inner child come out to play.

If you have kids or pets, this is even easier to do, just play with them!

Prioritize time every day for relaxation and for doing whatever you feel like doing.

This will make you feel yourself again, and will bring your feminine radiance out, making you feel connected to life and truly living!

The takeaway 

In this modern culture is very easy to lose touch with your feminine energy because it is not valued enough.

So if you feel burned out, exhausted, frustrated, you need to release masculine traits and embody your feminine energy again.

Go through these practices and let your feminine energy bring you back to a beautiful, aligned and joyful life.

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