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July 1, 2023

Accepting and Embracing All That We Are Experiencing On This Ascension Journey

We are now halfway done with 2023, numerological year #7. I know I have said this before but time definitely feels as though it just keeps accelerating. I would have to describe last month as absolutely exhausting. Towards the beginning of June, I had several days where I just could not get off the couch. After fighting my ego, which kept judging how I felt and wanting me to push through it, I finally just surrendered and pretty much stared out my window for most of about three days. Thank goodness I have a beautiful view of Mt. Shasta from my living room. As the month progressed, I was still feeling drained. When I look back on it, the energy of the last 2-3 months has been off. It was as if, there was an energetic high around March and April and then a crashing down, which had left me feeling somewhat uninspired. Although I was feeling my energy and inspiration returning right around the Gemini new moon, it wasn’t until the month ended where I could say that I was feeling like my normal self. When I reached out to other lightworkers, I have heard very similar stories. Right around the new moon at the end of the month, which coincided with Saturn going into retrograde, I heard many reports of unusual energetic patterns measured on the Schumman Reasonance. I am not sure if this depleting energy in June was because of the solar flares or whatever other energy is hitting the planet, but something energetic seemed to have been going on.

Also of significance, Pluto went into retrograde back into Capricorn earlier in June. In addition to some energetic crashing, I was also struggling with some ego-stuff around this time. Ever since 2020, I have known that I was to be a part of what I would call first wave of lightworkers, who would be integral in leading this shift of consciousness and this would be accomplished through my writing. I had begun writing articles and posting on social media, which I had never done before. Last year, I even cut back my 3 D work and really threw myself into this new venture. Although I had my moments, for the most part, I was pretty inspired. I was laser focused on getting a book deal and increasing my social media following. However, in May and then into June, I realized that I had not manifested what I had anticipated which let me to begin questioning everything; my writing, my calling to move to Mt. Shasta, becoming way more reclusive, etc.. I had even thought about giving up writing, which then really triggered some ego wounds. I also started questioning and judging how radically different I was. Pre-2020, I used to travel all over the world and go dancing most weekends, but I have so much resistant to the things I used to. I started wondering if I was becoming “boring,” which again was my ego talking. Thank goodness that I was able to clear some of this and return to my truth and my center.

We closed the month of June with Neptune going into retrograde. We now have three planets in retrograde, which may also have also contributed to this downturn of energy and malaise as it was bringing some subconscious stuff for us to clear which is never fun. What I would like to focus on this month is, during times when we feel low energy, uninspired and maybe even depressed and anxious, how important it is to accept and embrace all that we are experiencing on this ascension journey, which will help us get through these lower times.

Although the ascension process comes with periods of bliss and excitement, this is not always the case. Something for us to understand is that we are being infused with so much light and other energy that we need time to integrate it. Additionally, we are still going through massive internal shifts as well as physical upgrades. Therefore, we need a lot more downtime to process all of this. I believe that an important insight regarding this ascension process is that resting and just being is a very important component of this journey. It is so important for us to let go of this old paradigm of needing to be “productive” all the time, and I am using air quotes, which was definitely so deeply programmed in the last few decades. Our rest time is part of this process. We have to begin accepting that we cannot function like we did pre-2020, which can sometimes be a difficult reality to embrace. Additionally, these internal upgrades, especially during times of astrological transits, are also bringing so much to the surface for clearing. As we ascend into a higher vibrational frequency, we cannot bring our old emotional baggage with us. Remember, we are clearing lifetimes of stuff and it is so easy to become blindsided when this happens, which is why we need to have consistent reminders to keep us on track. I, too, have to be reminded as I have been thrown off and have to get back on track. So, if you are judging what you are experiencing, how you are feeling, the thoughts you are having and how you have changed, I would like you to remember that all of this is part of the process. We are evolving and these are our growing pains. Please remember to be gentle with yourself and accept, not judge where you are and continue to trust in this process. Another uncomfortable issue that many of us are experiencing on this ascension journey is that we have this strong knowing that there is something else that we will be doing in the future. Although we have some idea as what that might be, we don’t really have full clarity, yet. This is also the reason why a lot of our old life just doesn’t seem to fit us anymore. Additionally, many of us desire to know how all of this it is going to unfold and when will it happen. However, none of really know exactly. It has been difficult for many of us to remain present in the mystery. Patience is definitely a virtue that we all need to master. So, the take away this month is to learn to accept and embrace the process and not judge what you are experiencing and make sure to be gentle with yourself. Please make sure you are drinking enough water, getting enough rest and practice grounding techniques such as grounding into your earth star chakra, taking a walk in nature, walking barefoot in the grass or just being.

In July, we will be experiencing some more powerful energy. Following the super full moon on the 3rd, we will start off the month with the Sirius gateway, which I always find to be a very magical time. On July 4th, our sun will align with Sirius, our spiritual sun which will activate a gateway of high frequency energy. Sirius embodies freedom and intelligence and emanates the vibration of a brilliant blue light, which can enhance our psychic abilities and activate a sense of freedom in our lives. We will also experience the 7/7/7 portal, which should be exciting. Then on the new moon on the 17th, we will change nodes from Taurus/Scorpio axis to Aries/Libra axis. Aries, which is the sign of the individual, a fiery initiator, will be the focus for the next year and a half, which will likely bring some intense energy. And then towards the end of the month Venus and Chiron will go retrograde joining the other three planets in a retrograde storm. This month is definitely another month to be mindful of our energy. However, we will get through this! Sending all of you lots of love and light from Mt. Shasta!!! I am so excited to be sharing another amazing month with all of you.

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