August 14, 2023

Thinking About the Things we Do not See.

Sometimes when I look at people older than me,

I think about how they were once my age,

And I wonder what they’re lives were like,

How they felt, how they lived, the kinds of things they experienced,

How they experienced and went through the things I have experienced,

The things that I go through.

I think about self

And the world

And love

And solitude

And growth

And conditioning

And about how most of what we think we believe

Was really just transported into us

Through things we saw or heard

Through things

And moments

And experiences

We can’t remember

Or name

Or place

Or point to,

Many of which are bigger and more collective than personal and individual.

I think about space and time

And the universe

And about what it will be like when I no longer exist



In this current form.

I think about what exists outside of the things we obsess about

And think about

And do

Each day,

All that goes unseen



A current that pulses beneath

What we usually pay attention to

And focus on.

I think about God

And Truth

And about how so much of this world is just a game


And also about how it’s real

And true

And vibrant.

I think about how the things that worry me

The things that preoccupy my thoughts at times

Come from a privileged space of not living in a situation

Where my life is in danger in every moment or second or hour.

I think about

And consider

And contemplate

And imagine

And I also let go of thought

Intentionally step outside of thought

Observe it

Watch it

See what I can learn from it

See what I can learn about myself

And about who I truly am—

Beneath what it is I usually see,

In the space that reverberates,

That hums,

In the current,

The silent space that lives deep within me.


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Lisa Erickson  |  Contribution: 260,805

author: Lisa Erickson

Image: Ivan Dodig/Unsplash