5.1 Editor's Pick
August 28, 2023

Waylon Lewis & author Dougald Hine talk about everyone’s Favorite subject in the Entire World.


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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

This week, Waylon Lewis is with author Dougald Hine of At Work in the Ruins: Finding Our Place in the Time of Science, Climate Change, Pandemics, and All the Other Emergencies, as they talk about climate change and how the hell to think and act about it.

Dougald Hine is a social thinker, writer, speaker and the co-founder of the Dark Mountain Project and a school called HOME.

“I have spent my adult life talking to people about climate change, and I’ve never been the guy whose job it is to stand up there with the charts and explain the science of it. I come in when we get into the question of ‘what does it mean? How are we changed by this knowledge? What would it take for us to absorb this in a way that looked like taking it seriously, rather than looked like assuming it was a problem that could be fixed and made to go away?'” ~ Dougald Hine

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“The book’s called ‘The Work in the Ruins.’ So, on the one hand, there’s ruins. We’re not going to avoid that. They’re already here. They’re around us. Frankly, they’ve been being created all over the rest of the world for 500 years. And we’ve been calling that ‘progress.’

But now we’re at the point where that’s coming home to the places we live, the places we love. And in that moment, we have to on the one hand recognize the ruins, but on the other hand, recognize that there is work to be done.” ~ Dougald Hine


Waylon: “I do thousands of interviews. If this conversation can make me think a little bit differently about climate crisis, I’ll be incredibly grateful.”

Dougald: “There’s sort of two bits to it, really.

You can look backwards and you can go, ‘how did we find ourselves in this trouble?’ And there’s a whole conversation that needs to be had there, which is part of what I’m writing about in the book. Because very often what happens is we talk about climate change, and understandably, because the conversation starts within science, it gets kind of stuck inside the box of the bits of the story that science can help us with.

But a basic question like, ‘How did we find ourselves here?’ actually already takes us beyond the limits of the part of the story that the scientists can take responsibility for…because it boils down to a question of, ‘Are we in this trouble as a result of a piece of bad luck with the atmospheric chemistry?’

Or are we in this trouble as a result of a way of approaching the world—a way of seeing and treating everything and everyone—that would always have brought us to this kind of a pass, even if the atmospheric chemistry had been different.

Those are two very different ways of making sense of what’s going on. They have different consequences.”


Check out Dougald’s website for more news about his latest book, writings, and news.

His latest book, At Work in the Ruins: Finding Our Place in the Time of Science, Climate Change, Pandemics, and All the Other Emergencies can be found on Bookshop.org where you’ll support Indie Bookstores with your purchase.

Early praise: “Hine’s brilliant book demands we stare into that abyss and rethink our securest certainties about what is actually going on in the climate crisis. It’s lucidly unsettling and yet in the end empowering. There is something we can do, and it starts with where we look, how we see and what we choose to change.” ~ Brian Eno 

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Walk the Talk Show episode:



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