September 25, 2023

Air Fried Plant-Based Egg Rolls. {Recipe}

I made egg rolls not too long ago using my wok and wrote it up as a recipe.

However, I watched Kathy’s Vegan Kitchen on YouTube and decided to try it in my new air fryer.

I did not want an air fryer; I wanted a convention oven, and the air fryer came with it.

So, without forever adieu, let’s get cooking.

The usual: retrieve everything and place it on the clean countertop in order of use—mise en place. Wash your naked hands.


Air fryer, I used my new Cuisanart. Sauté pan, cooking utensils (including chef knife, spatula), potholder or towel, love. Music if it pleases you or repeat a mantra to set the good mood food vibe.


>> Tofu
>> Veggies: carrots, cabbage, fresh ginger
>> Liquids: plain and toasted sesame oil, tamari, or coconut liquid aminos
>> Gratitude
>> Nasoya organic vegan egg rolls


Place oils in the pan and add ginger when hot, then add the tofu. Follow with tamari or sauce of choice.

Place one wrapper and have water nearby for sealing the roll. Place all the ingredients and roll—say a prayer to the cooking gods.

Place the rolls seam side down in the heated air fryer and clean up. Do not leave the kitchen since they will be done in four minutes.

Plate and sit in a beautiful, calm place, and give gratitude.

As usual, one small win for this tiny blue marble we call Momma Earth and her family of sentient beings.


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Janice Dolk  |  Contribution: 427,890

author: Janice Dolk

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Lisa Erickson