March 21, 2023

Sushi Warm or Cold: Plant-Powered. {Recipe}


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The assignment in my Hale Pule program was to make one of the Ayurvedic meals in either Myra’s book or blog.

I chose the sushi, and it was awesome.

And it had to be cooked; cooked sushi sounded intriguing. Sushi for me was always served cold or room temperature.

My meal needed to be balanced with 60 percent building and nourishing foods along with 40 percent reducing and lightening ones. It had to include a grain, a bean, and veggies to also fit the building and lightening rule. And I wanted to try it warm.

This was a sensory treat to my being, so I made it again using the Ayurvedic balanced bowl protocol.

I have seen sushi rice at the grocery store, but I decided to take the one serving, not earth-friendly, sticky rice in the international food aisle. Add another no-no, I nuked it on high for 90 seconds in the microwave I have been using as a bread box.

Nori sheets supply the seaweed necessary for our thyroid health with its iodine. However, the thyroid is only one of the organs seaweeds helps. Seaweeds that include kelp. Kombu, nori, and wakame also contain spirulina, chlorella, and omega-3 fatty acids. They also source fiber, antioxidants, and polysaccharides.

But, as usual, I digress. On to the recipe because I know your taste buds are ready to sink your teeth into this tasty delight.

First, wash your hands after removing all jewelry from fingers and wrists and scrub that countertop with an eco-friendly cleaner. Distilled white vinegar with water works well and is cost-effective. Keep an eye out for the felines who are too curious and want to assist.

(Disclosure: I cook for one hungry human, only measure grains to water ratio, so please adjust accordingly.)

Supplies and miscellaneous:

Pot with lid, potholder or not, towel, pan for sautéing, large plate or sushi mat, love, spatula, utensils, good attitude, knife, and plates. Small bowls for optional items. Chopsticks, or better yet, use your hands to feel the food. This uses your sense of touch and is important for our being.


>> Nori sheets: My store sells a pack of six organic sheets. I used one.

>> Sushi rice: Bulk or bag. I went non-eco-friendly to only nuke one sticky rice.

>> Veggies: Organic tofu (I use Nasoya super firm), avocado, carrot, asparagus.

>> Oil: Plain and toasted sesame oil.

>> Spices: I used tri-colored sesame seeds. Optional.

>> Optional: soy sauce, wasabi.

Mise en place all of the above.


If cooking sushi rice in a pot, follow the directions and start first. Remember to rinse the rice before adding it to boiling water.

Pat dry the tofu and slice into thin strips about an inch or 2.5 centimeter strips and add to heated pan with a smidge of toasted sesame oil and sesame seeds. I prefer tri-colored seeds for eye color. Another sense to satisfy—sight.

Cut the carrots into thin strips and leave the asparagus in longer ones with the woody ends broken off. Place them in the same pan with a little plain sesame oil. I stopped peeling carrots to add extra fiber; however, for this sushi meal I did peel them. More eye appeal than taste reasons. (Did you see the pun Appeal…peel. Sorry, poor joke.)

Slice open the avocado and hold your breath that it is the best ripeness and sigh of breath of yes when it is. Slice it for layering. Mine was a bit mushy and I could only get a little green avocado, so next time I will test for ripeness before I make the sushi. But all the other ingredients still made for an enticing and tasty sensual experience.

Yes, making meals can be a sensual delight and one of the pillars of Ayurveda is Kama—pleasure. Perhaps a light reading of the Kama Sutra is due. It makes an interesting coffee table book. I hope that has you smiling and laughing. Maybe even a blush.

Is it getting hot in the kitchen?

Remove the rice and layer it on the nori sheet. Make sure the sheet is shiny side down. I use a plate, but if you have a sushi mat, go for it. Use a spatula, then your clean hands to smooth it over the surface. Ah—feel the texture and give thanks for the sensory experience.

I placed a layer of avocado, followed beside it tofu, then carrot, last asparagus. And I sprinkled more sesame seeds before rolling.

The last step in preparation is the roll—drum roll please; carefully, lovingly, and tightly roll the nori sheet. Give it a love pat, then wet a sharp knife and slice the roll to however it pleases you. Whether whole, in half, four/five/six pieces, you decide.

Plate it with love. Perhaps add wasabi for a hot sassy treat and maybe a splash of light sodium soy sauce or coconut liquid aminos for a tingle.

Find a calming place to sit and give gratitude to this meal and all who made it happen.


As always, no critters were harmed in the making of this meal. One small win for this tiny blue marble we call Momma Earth.


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Janice Dolk  |  Contribution: 427,935

author: Janice Dolk

Image: Author's own/Instagram

Editor: Elyane Youssef