October 3, 2023

With the Power Out, I Notice More. {Poem} ~ Linda Lewis

notice more

I wrote this poem during the two days of no power during Hurricane Lee:

Hurricane Lee: Saturday

Prayer flags blowing and snapping in the wind,
blue, white, yellow, red, green,
maple tree limbs swirling,
wet leaves falling like golden snowflakes.
Branches breaking,
toppling potted plants which fall like dominos,
breaking blooming geraniums.
Raindrops on the window have little “light moons” at the bottom of each drop.
With the power out, stolen by Lee,
I notice more,
and set aside reading.

Hurricane Lee: Sunday

Sky is a light gray and the hurricane still roars.
A woman in a white T-shirt in the apartment across from me
looks at me looking at her,
as crows and gulls glide high in the wind,
friends for the moment.


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Linda Lewis  |  Contribution: 14,820

author: Linda Lewis

Image: Klim Musalimov/Unsplash

Editor: Nicole Cameron