November 13, 2023

Simple Hacks & DIY for Making your own Personal Care items.


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*Editor’s Note: Elephant is not your doctor or hospital. Our lawyers would say “this web site is not designed to, and should not be construed to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, or treatment to you or any other individual, and is not intended as a substitute for medical or professional care and treatment. Always consult a health professional before trying out new home therapies or changing your diet.” But we can’t afford lawyers, and you knew all that. ~ Ed.


Women use on average over 100 ingredients per day in their personal care routines.

The perks to making your own products are many. For me, I love knowing I made it, there are healthier ingredients, it saves the landfill piles, and it is another small win for Momma Earth and all her children.

I do not know about you, but that’s scary to me. And most of it is harmful. Instead of beautifying ourselves, we are poisoning our bodies, aging faster, and creating harm. There is a better solution.

When I was 12 years old, I decided to see how an egg white mask would work on my face. I am proud to report it was a success. However, the lemon yellow in my long blonde locks wrapped in large rollers and left on for hours was a disaster. Please, do not try that one.

In my late teens, my yoga teacher suggested I mix chickpea flour with water to gently wash my teenaged oily face. It worked, and I did it for a while then stopped. I am not certain why. About a dozen years ago, I reintroduced it, but differently, and will mention it below.

Let’s get started.

Simple hacks:

 >> Shampoo bars: I use a one-inch piece from an organic coconut oil, shea butter, or Dr. Bronner’s unscented hemp Castile bar.

>> Deodorant: Thayer’s witch hazel with alcohol or the generic store brand.

>> Eyelashes and eyebrows: castor oil works beautifully.

>> For inside my eyes, my acupuncturist makes sesame and castor oil drops. My eyesight improved.


>> Hair: the bar of soap to wash and steeped and strained organic chamomile flowers are a lovely leave-in rinse.

>> Oral care: small batch of neem powder and virgin coconut oil to brush. Make a three-week batch and keep it in the fridge.

>> Eye care: sesame and castor oil eye drops and rose water sprayed in eyes in the morning and as needed throughout the day.

>> Nasal: neti pot in the morning, followed an hour or more later with nasya nose drops.

>> Face: rosewater spray as only morning cleanser.

>>Facial cleanser: lots of ways, I currently use a base of ghee, with drops of sandalwood, rose, calendula, Bulgarian lavender, and sometimes, geranium.

>> Facial mask: I prefer a base of chickpea flour, with turmeric powder, rose water, and saffron oil. Allow it to sit on your face about 15 minutes. Use an eco-friendly soft washcloth to gently remove. I use bamboo from Jade Bloom, a small family-owned essential oil store in Utah.

Thanks for reading, and I hope some of these ideas will help you consider making your own. If you already do your DIY and simple hacks, kindly share them in the comments.


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Janice Dolk  |  Contribution: 427,715

author: Janice Dolk

Image: giuliajrosa/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson