4.5 Editor's Pick
February 16, 2024

Why you should only buy 5 new Fashion items a year. [Emma Hakansson w/Waylon Lewis]

Waylon w/ Emma Hakansson on Total Ethics Fashion—we can have our fashion and be ethical too.

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

In the latest episode of Elephant’s long-running, award-winning podcast and video series Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis, Waylon speaks with Emma Hakansson of Collective Fashion Justice, author of Total Ethics Fashion, who reminds us of the full meaning of Ecofashion, one of Elephant’s 12 areas of focus since we were a print magazine 22 years back..! 

A clip of our conversation: 

This is a partial conversation. Only Walk the Talk Subscribers get access to full conversations, as you help us continue our work. Watch the rest, and full versions of all our latest videos/podcasts, by becoming a member.

Through her work, Emma has collaborated with the United Nations Environment Programme, Good On You, Fashion Revolution, the Center for Biological Diversity, and World Animal Protection. Emma has consulted on progressive fashion legislation in the United States, been a speaker at the European Parliament, provided expertise for the Australian Parliament, and offered guidance to international brands and fashion councils seeking to improve their ethics and sustainability.

“Total Ethics Fashion is a replacement for a lot of these other ideas about more responsible fashion that we’ve heard. There’s terms like ethical fashion, sustainable fashion, vegan, cruelty-free, slow—all of these words have been used to the point of meaninglessness. They’ve become greenwashing terms.” ~ Emma Hakansson

Or, listen to the podcast:

“Total ethics fashion is about recognizing that people, our fellow animals, and the planet— we all need to be protected before profit in the fashion industry. So it shouldn’t be a really radical idea, but it is when compared to our current fashion system.” ~ Emma Hakansson

“I think a lot of people at first think, ‘Oh, does that mean that you don’t really care about fashion for the sake of fashion?’ But I think that all of the beautiful and creative aspects of fashion are actually eroded and harmed by the fact that we make fashion in a really harmful way.” ~ Emma Hakansson

“There’s nothing inherently wrong with paying someone to create something beautiful if the definition of beauty isn’t just surface, but it actually includes how they ethically produced it.” ~ Waylon Lewis

“The Hot or Cool Institute says that we should really only buy five new garments every year if we want to exist within planetary boundaries. And if we only have five opportunities to tell the fashion industry, ‘This is what is good and I want to support people, animals, and the planet by buying certain things.’ We have 365 days in a year to make a difference. That’s what I want people to focus on.” ~ Emma Hakansson

Find the Full conversation, here.

Dig into Total Ethics Fashion:

“The book is basically a primer to get people to understand where the fashion industry is right now and where we need to take it.” ~ Emma Hakansson

Read an excerpt of Emma’s book here on Elephant Journal: Total Ethics Fashion is Transforming How we think of Sustainability & Ethics in our Wardrobes.

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Walk the Talk Show episode:

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Image: Emma Hakansson