3.1 Editor's Pick
March 16, 2024

I’m offering “I want to write a Book” coaching. ~ Waylon H. Lewis

For the 1st time, I’m offering anyone “I want to write a Book” one-on-one coaching. ~ Waylon H. Lewis

For years, folks and friends have asked me for one-on-one “I want to write a book” coaching

“I’m writing a book—I need help writing, editing, printing, selling it,” they say.

And I’m happy to advise. So, finally, I’m offering it formally.


“There’s nothing more important on our spiritual path than developing gentleness to oneself.” ~ Pema Chödrön⁠

Want to find your voice? Want to write a book? Overcome your feelings of unworthiness and ground yourself fiercely in your intrinsic, basic, inviolable goodness with the help of meditation, writing exercise, and hands-on mentoring. ⁠

1-on-1 Book Coaching with yours truly, best-selling independent author Waylon H. Lewis.

I can talk you through finding your voice, writing, editing, publishing, marketing, and selling. Because I’ve done it.

Reserve a spot on our Interest List.

+Note: I am not a fan of Amazon (happy to send you articles as to why, and I’ve written about it many times). If that is part of your plan, I’m happy to advise against it. But I will not coach it.

You can check out my books here.


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