May 23, 2024

Four Rules for Children around Smartphones from expert Jonathan Haidt. ~ via Waylon

“Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt presented four guidelines for curbing smartphone use among children at WSJ’s Future of Everything Festival.⁠

The NYU Stern School of Business professor has argued that smartphones are the primary cause of the rise in anxiety and depression in adolescents.⁠”


I grew up in the 80s (old man shaking hand at clouds).

Somehow, summers were endless. Boredom and fun comingled. Creative play and deep relaxation through that boredom happened. Bullying ended when the school bell rang. I wasn’t exposed to 50,000 images a week that my mom had no idea about. No one suggested an AirTag be planted on my backpack.

I love #1, particularly—practical, not black and white. Kelsey, my partner, particularly appreciated #4:


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