July 9, 2024

163 Words on the Beauty of Seeing How Far We’ve Come.

One of the best parts of growth

Is seeing how far we’ve come,

The things that have changed—

Within us,

How we’ve changed,

How we no longer act or react

In the ways that we used to,

No longer follow paths—

Of thought or action—

We’d been wanting to let go

And be free of,

How we no longer get caught up in

The things that used to bind us,

Seeing how we’ve stepped outside of boxes

We’d once been encased in,

It’s in the space

The moment

The breath

Of a pause,

A pause that gives us space

Space that allows understanding


It’s in noticing

The space

The distance

The difference

How we’re different,

How we no longer act

Or react

Or move

In the ways that we used to,

Seeing old patterns dissolve,

Fall away,

It’s in seeing how we’re less tied up,

Less bound,

More free,

One of the best parts of growth

Is seeing how far we’ve come.


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author: Lisa Erickson

Image: Anna Panchenko/Pexels