July 10, 2024

Second Capricorn Full Moon: Closing a Major Cycle of Foundational Growth. {July 21}

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


The energy has been building. Gestating. Pulsating. Sinking deeper now into the waters of the Cancer season, asking us to sit in the sifting energies and emotions of the foundations within us stirring and churning.

We have been knee-deep in some dense energy as of late, of the cosmic ocean swelling and rising, casting our nets wide in the hopes of retrieving what’s been lost, us now a buoy floating in the cosmic sea. Hands clasping tighter now, yet we know the deepest form of healing comes in the surrender to the cosmic flow of life, whether in letting go of what’s no longer in alignment or trusting so deeply that what’s to come will be in soul alignment of the self we are now.

The cosmic tides are sweeping through the collective, cleansing and purifying the hearts of all of us. Grief is quaking and shaking us awake, deep into the heart of the Cosmic Mother. Belly to the earth, heart in humble prayer, we bow to the Almighty, the All That Is, the spirit in human form we are.

The crab claws cling to what was in fear of not getting the ever-expansive love we truly yearn for. We wonder if it’s even possible, this love as ancient as the sun and sacred as the stars in all the galaxy combined. Will this love be made real in this lifetime? Or will we forever simultaneously be in search of and fear of fully receiving it?

Cancer season has brought us face to face with the internal purge. The ties to our inner sanctuary. The home within the self. The home and safety we need to retreat to. The ways in which we close our own hearts off to love. The guarded walls and closed shells we’ve fortified to protect ourselves from the breaking open. From the unknown. From the uncertainty of love leaving.

Cancer energy is within all of us. The home. The hearth. The nest. The comfort. The nourishment and nurturing mother energy many of us are teaching ourselves to receive. Reparenting the inner child with divine motherly love to heal fractures of abuse, neglect, codependency, parasitical attachment to child as source of love, to unhealthy models of attachments perpetuating cycles of insecure, anxious/avoidant attachment and addictions looming.

We have been seeing the ways we attached to false structures of safety, confining our world into a habituated pattern of known outcome. It was pure survival after all. Getting our needs met was a vital part of us surviving. So we adapted and coped the best ways we knew how. Attached to substance or behavior to get the needs met, even if just temporarily so.

But, these times are asking for more. More truth. More courage to face the unfelt emotions buried underneath compulsion to self-soothe with addiction and avoidance. More alignment to soul. More surrender of the painful cycles of self-abandonment and neglect. Cancer energy is intrinsically tied to how we have felt nourished and safe or undernourished and not safe.

For many of us, we developed mechanisms around our routine. Our food intake or lack there of, withholding nourishment or binging in starvation of true nourishment, an unnamed hunger that could never be filled with food. The ways in which we relate to food and nourishment is a point of inquiry for many of us. It reflects our relationship to the mother energy we were modeled. To our sense of worthiness. To our ability to receive life. To trust life. How we nourish our bodies is a foundational level of how nourished we can allow ourselves to feel.

We all have learned behaviors around food too, from severe and diagnosed eating disorders to the less noticeable and culturally acceptable aspects of diet culture, fat shaming, and stigma we carry toward self or other. In the health conscious world, where toxins and pesticides pervade, we can lose all sense of footing in the “right” way to nourish our bodies. Healing our relationship with food is a lifelong commitment for many of us. A journey of imperfection. Of allowing ourselves to get a little better each day at listening, honoring, and receiving without guilt or shame the nourishment we need to show up in our fullness of energy and service.

For as long as we are in these human bodies, we deserve nourishment. And it takes great courage to meet our needs even if they weren’t met as a child. To meet our emotional needs too. To set boundaries that feel loving and self-honoring. To walk away from things that no longer align with where we are heading. To honor the nos our bodies speak in loud ways and quiet whispers too. This is Capricorn energy. The energy of containment. Of structure. Of boundaries.

We have been walking this tight rope now, aligning deeper with our soul’s truest self, but we feel as if we wobble just a little, and we might not make our mark into next aligned destination. But perhaps, we can soften the gripping of our toes a little on each step, look around and see that even if we are walking the tight rope of soul alignment, maybe this is just in perception and not in truth. Because we can’t truly ever get it wrong. Through every misalignment, we learn. We grow. We evolve. We instill deeper self-love and embodiment of one’s truest pillars and values.

We came here to be human after all. Not super human in never failing or misperceiving situations. This is Capricorn, the slow and steady growth we sometimes don’t even see, until we are on top of the mountain top taking in the view for just one moment. Can we truly let in the success of our inner soul growth and blossoming? Through the deepest portals of death and rebirth, we have been becoming. More whole. More sovereign. More soul led.

We have the second of the Capricorn full moons (the first of which was on June 21 at 1 degree of the cardinal earth sign). The second will be landing on July 21 at 29 degrees of Capricorn. This full moon lands at 6:17 a.m. EST and will be closing a cycle of foundational growth and will also be a continuation of that inner and outer growth. It’s never so linear. More spirals of growth and self-evolution. As we come into the next iteration and form of self. Always becoming.

The last full moon was an initiatory energy. A tough love Saturn lesson to show us where we needed better boundaries, higher standards, and if not, the limitations and karmic lessons unfolded. It’s never a punishment, of course, just more needing to be seen and unveiled for us to truly know and understand the self and the lessons needed.

This second full moon is at the critical degree point. An ending on top of an ending. A double emphasized closing point of energies. Here to solidify the cycles of growth we’ve been in, internally purging those dense, emotional Cancer energies and forging new more solid structures to hold and support us.

Capricorn energy is ruled by Saturn. And Saturn has been in retrograde since the end of June and will be there until middle of November. An internal time of reflection. To see and understand the karmic lessons we have been unraveling. Piece by piece. And the boundaries and structures within self in need of fortification and strengthening. A time to take a deeper look at our inner roles and responsibility for our energy and choices. In the sign of Pisces, our dreams are getting amplified. But do we truly believe in the dream becoming a reality?

Neptune also stationed retrograde on July 2 and will be there until December 7. Neptune is also in Pisces. Neptune governs our spiritual world, the unseen, the dream world. In retrograde motion, Neptune is asking us to connect to the void. To go deep within the realms of the unknown. To see what fears of such still lay there. To get super intimate with the soul surrender. To internally excavate parts of self in fear of surrendering.

We had that sensitive new moon in Cancer on July 5, conjunct Venus, highlighting our relational spectrum and values. Where are we still feeling like our needs aren’t being met in a relationship? Where are our wounds still getting triggered and activated by other? This new moon was a lunar cycle reset as it was the first new moon since March 2023 where we finally have things in cosmic order again, and the new moon preceding the full moon each month. Prior to this new moon, we were in a lunar reversal, with full moons coming each month before a new moon.

In general, it has felt harder to manifest perhaps in the ways that feel natural and rhythmic. Our energies have felt flipped upside down almost and working in reverse order. With this new moon, the lunar flow is in harmony again. We set those new moon intentions and close the month with a full moon culmination and harvesting of what was planted.

Cancer and Capricorn work together in synergy. The divine mother and father pairing. This energy works together in holy matrimony. In sacred union. With the sun in Cancer and the moon in Capricorn, and sun opposite Pluto and moon conjunct Pluto, we are deep in the fires of soul and relational transformation. Of inner union alchemizing. Of sacred feminine and sacred masculine dance around the fires of Pluto death/rebirth.

But Pluto says, “Step into the fires, beloved. Let your soul be led by the wild fire stirring within the self. Surrender. Surrender. Surrender to the cosmic portal of self-undoing. Letting go of false semblance of control you had over your own evolution or anyone else’s. You never had control, beloved one. Let the false sense of control over self or other die now. And be reborn into something new. Unshakeable self-trust and faith in the universe and you as co-creator.”

We have all been feeling the shakti rising. The Kali ma stirring in the shadows. The fears being illuminated by the Dark Mother. She loves us so fiercely she is willing to call us out in and from the shadows of our own self-denial. Lilith, the energy of the dark Goddess/feminine has transited now into the sign of relationships, Libra, and will be there until March 2025. The ruler of our relational spheres.

Here, the dark goddess gets to work. Purging the shadow energies afoot in our relationships that keep us in a dis-eased state of imbalance, over-giving, over-accommodating, over-justifying our own behavior. Lilith says we must get free.

Free the wild woman within. The wild feminine is rising. The anger. The unjustness. The unfairness. The feminine cannot keep giving until she is run dry. Cannot, will not, stand for toxic masculinity anymore. She says, Enough! Enough with your ego. Off with your head. Slaying the dragon of truth. Wielding her sword and shield to protect all things sacred. And relationship is so soul-sacred. It is in reverence for the sacred feminine heart that she fights. That she defends. That she snarls her teeth and devotes herself to protection of the most high.

We are all feminine. We are all masculine. We all have shadows of both. Lilith seeks to free us from our own blinded attempts to control the wild feminine energy within. She is raw and real. And we must honor her and hold her and not tame or subdue her but give her space to express and move through her own process of rage rising back into love.

We have had some tough Chiron aspects this last month as well. Venus was square to Chiron and the sun square Chiron following that. And at the end of the month, Chiron will station retrograde. Just before we emerge from the depths of Cancer season, we are asked to feel our wounding yet another time over. To truly feel and know what it is that has forged us in the fires of our own evolution by first severing us off from love and connection. Chiron brings the wound and the medicine. To our relationships. To our sense of self now. We all carry wounds. And we all carry medicine. Which one are we leaning more into each day, each moment?

Before we emerge back into the light of Leo season on July 22, one day after the full moon, we are asked to sit. To be still. To feel. To pause. To sink deeper. We can use this full moon energy to go straight to the heart of our own inner transformation. What still needs our loving care? What parts of self are still in need of deep soul nourishment? Can we bring the compassion and grace to these parts still playing out their shadow games? Calling to us to pay them mind?

Leo season will be a welcomed relief after such dense energies. But, again, these energies are always in service of the soul, of our highest becoming and highest timeline. Call it in. Keep calling in the highest timeline. And that might mean a deep surrender and letting go of things that can’t meet us there. And in deep trust, can we honor the self and soul we are aligning with now?

This full moon is a culmination point. To see how far we’ve truly come in our own inner mountain climbing. Soul forest excavation and unwinding of karmic patterns. Let this full moon show you how whole you have always been, even in the pain of surrender and the deep wounding and imprinting. Allow this full moon to hold you in sacred containment of all that is. Your soul’s becoming was not for the faint of spirit. But you are not that beloved one. You are fierce. You are a warrior. You are an alchemist. And it’s okay to let yourself feel so very human and fragile at times too. We are all of these things and none of these things.

Let this full moon bring you earthy reminders of your place in this world. Of your sense of belonging right here where you are. In this place. At this time. In this relationship. And out of this relationship too. Wherever you find yourself, be fully there.

Let the foundations of inner soul trust be the pillars of strength to pull you through any hardship, battle, or letting go of what was. Let the inner controller rest now. Give them the job of holding the boundaries of love you need to feel safe and rooted in all that you are. Let this full moon propel you to new heights and new mountains to climb. And allow rest to find you as needed. Let. The. Earth. Hold. You. Nourish. You. Care. For. You. Love. You. Tender. Heart. Tender. Being. Held. Whole. Sacred. Wisdom. Embodied. Stretch your roots deeper now. Back into love. Love. As. Sacred. Containment. You. The. Container. Of. God. Aho. Amen. And so it is.

Check out Anna’s podcast on the Capricorn full moon on Spotify or Apple.


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author: Anna Palmer

Image: Ron Lach/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson