December 29, 2015

She. {Poem}


Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived in a room

It was filthy, small and in a state of gloom
Empty, tragic, and naught
The room had demons the girl had daily fought
She was tucked away in bed day and night
Refusing to behold the floor that’s no longer white
It was filled with her broken pieces made of glass
Withholding her, or anyone else to freely pass

The door that led to freedom was next to her chair
But she had to step on her broken pieces to get there
Scared to bruise her feet while walking down
She looked at the door with a puzzled frown
She knew she had to shed blood and tears
If she stepped on the floor and faced her fears
But the light outside was too tempting to miss
And freedom was too good not to kiss

She finally gets up firmly closing her eyes
And walks on the glass while she loudly cries
She picked up every broken piece with her
Despite the shed blood that caused a stir
Tired, sick, shaken to the core
She takes a breath and opens the door
As the light thoroughly penetrated her soul
Her broken pieces were once again whole

She no longer succumbed to agony or pain
She realized in that room there was nothing to gain
Despite the blood and tears that she shed
They were worth the pain that she daily fed
She closed that door and never looked back
Dismissing the bag inside that she had to pack
But she knew the luggage was full of a painful past
And packing it will only stop her from having a blast.



I Promise You this, if Only…


Author: Elyane Youssef

Editor: Caitlin Oriel

Image: darkday/Flickr

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