December 12, 2021

Big Bird versus Ted Cruz is more than just a Joke.


Republican Senator Ted Cruz and Big Bird do not share the same opinion on vaccines.

Wait, what?

Is this our new normal? Politicians arguing with fictional characters?

It all started on November 6th. Big Bird, who is one of the main characters on “Sesame Street,” announced that he got vaccinated. President Biden welcomed this statement, but Senator Cruz was not having it.

And the Republican Senator wasn’t the only one who was upset about the most famous bird in America joining the conversation.

Conservatives across the nation literally got offended by a puppet. Buzzwords like propaganda, communism, and brainwashing were used to describe the actions of Big Bird.

Does that qualify for cancel culture? Just asking for a friend.

Maybe these Conservatives were just disappointed that Big Bird decided to make a political statement after staying away from politics in the past?

In 2012, he was featured on “Saturday Night Live.” When Seth Meyers asked him if he was interested in making political statements, Big Bird replied, “No. I don’t want to ruffle any feathers.”

But it’s 2021. Big Bird evolved.

And he is not alone. Supported by his friends from “Sesame Street,” he started a parody account (not officially endorsed). Big Bird wants to be the next Senator of Texas.

What started as a joke turned into my favorite Twitter campaign in 2021. Of course, Big Bird won’t be running for Senator, but it’s more than entertaining to see this joke unfold.

When I checked this morning, Big Bird had 130.000 followers. If you think that a bird is more qualified than Senator Cruz, you might want to follow his account. It’s fascinating to see how a crew of fictional characters is able to ridicule one of the most controversial politicians of our time.



Apparently, we can also make our case without (directly) insulting anyone. The Big Bird campaign is funny and delivers an important message at the same time.

Let’s take this as an inspiration for 2021.

We can deliver an argument without insulting anyone. We can make people laugh and be of benefit at the same time.

Let’s not take things too seriously 24/7.

We won’t convince anyone by shouting at them. Some folks might not change their opinions at all.

It’s not our job to ruin our days by arguing with strangers on the internet. But when we do, we should at least try not to lower our own standards and avoid joining the hate party.

Why not stay informed but with a smile on our faces?

Instead of completely avoiding the news in 2022, why not shift from watching the real news to enjoying late-night comedy by talented folks like Jimmy Fallon, John Oliver, Seth Meyers, Trevor Noah, Jimmy Kimmel, or Stephen Colbert?

And as the Big Bird campaign keeps growing on social media, I am sure that we will see our favorite bird ruffle some feathers next year.

I expected a lot to happen in 2021, but seeing a dispute between Ted Cruz and Big Bird is the icing on the cake of a wild year. Let’s see what happens in 2022.

Maybe we can have a few Marvel or Disney characters joining the conversation?

And if that sounds ridiculous to you, let’s keep in mind that Ted Cruz picked a fight with a fictional character—and that wasn’t even the most stupid thing he did in 2021. Just let that sink in.

Thank you, Big Bird, for pointing that out.

If you want to support this campaign, please follow him immediately. May it be of benefit!


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author: Robert Busch

Image: SenatorBigBird/Twitter Screenshot

Image: monster_manager/Twitter