May 5, 2021

Who is Ted Cruz & What do we Need to Know about Him?

You might have heard about the Texan Republican who is one of the most controversial politicians in the United States, but who is Ted Cruz, and what are his goals?

Some of us still remember when Cruz was upset with Donald Trump in 2016—and he actually had good reasons for that.

Trump accused his father of being involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, insulted his wife, and called him “lying Ted.” Nevertheless, a few years later, Cruz is one of Trump’s most influential supporters within the Republican party. Here is a video of him before he discovered his love for Trump:

Just a few years later, Cruz has become a dedicated Trump supporter who proudly shows the world how well he gets along with the former president.

Looking at these two moments in the life of Cruz already tells us a lot about the integrity of a man who claims to fight for his people—unless he is on a trip to Mexico during a crisis in his home state Texas.

Lindsey Graham—who is not known to be the most upright politician himself—said about Cruz that you could probably get away with murdering Cruz if it happened in the Senate and the trial was held there too.

Hollywood screenwriter Craig Mazin, who happened to be roommates with Cruz in college, repeatedly called out the gap between political statements and the actual lifestyle of the controversial Senator. When Cruz was calling for a ban on sex toys, Mazin tweeted this statement:

“Ted Cruz thinks people don’t have a right to ‘stimulate their genitals.’ I was his college roommate. This would be a new belief of his.”

Cruz tried to stop Obamacare a few years ago, promotes “the big lie” about what he calls a “stolen election,” and, of course, calls debates on gun regulation a “ridiculous theatre.”

Cruz also makes no secret of his sympathies for Tucker Carlson, whom he repeatedly defended in public.

As I pointed out in a previous article, politics can be exhausting to watch, especially when it comes down to characters like Cruz—but at the same time, we can’t tolerate this type of behavior any longer. Politicians like Cruz are a real threat to democracy; we need to hold him accountable and call him out on his lack of logic and opportunistic support of the former president.

Instead of continuing this list of his questionable actions, I highly suggest watching this clip posted by Trevor Noah that perfectly sums up the character of a man who “wants to take over the world,” as he said on tape as a young man. If you have friends who still support this man, please ask them to watch this:


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author: Robert Busch

Image: The Daily Show with Trevor Noah/YouTube

Image: CNN/YouTube

Image: Ted Cruz/Twitter