November 22, 2013

Mindful Awareness: 9 Intriguing Meditation Practices for All Times of the Day. ~ Adedayo Fashanu

The concept of meditation is one that I recently discovered not many of us truly understand.

It seems that when we hear the word ‘meditation’, we immediately think of a yogi in that famous cross-legged position with his spine straight, eyes closed, mind still and blank for hours.

hat picture paints a particular paradigm of meditation that scares a lot of us away.

So what is meditation? How can we start practicing meditation in our daily routines without it being a burden?

Meditation is a simple act of mindfulness and awareness of at least one activity in our routine.

It does not necessarily involve us sitting still each time, closing our eyes or saying out mantras. Meditation engages our ability to see each activity as a form of nourishment for our soul. It involves us bringing light and seeing positivity in most of the things we find ourselves doing, even when we seem to be having a bad day. Taking one single moment to be able to see that situation as not being so bad, and resolving to see one tiny bit of goodness in that situation, can be considered a form of meditation.

Meditation is mindfulness, awareness, mental, physical and spiritual transformation.

Here are nine mindful awareness practices for different times of the day:


1. Remaining still, laying with your back flat on the bed for the first five minutes after you open your eyes. (You can say a quick prayer or show gratitude.)

2. Drinking green tea or warm water with lemon while listening to soft, calming music.

3. Use the time during your shower to focus and prioritize your mind, setting intentions for your day and visualizing how you would like your day to unfold.


4. During your lunch break, eat intuitively. Consciously be mindful of whom you are eating lunch with or, if you are eating by yourself, use that time to be in tune with yourself, thinking that each bite has your name on it.

5. Create time to go for a short walk, read your favorite magazine, visit your favorite store, create art, go for a drive, drink green juice, go to the best restaurant you can afford or order something you’ve never tried before. Try to do one of these things in the middle of your day. This is considered mindful awareness practice.

6. Do midday yoga when you are feeling distressed or just as a mindful practice. Incorporate simple stretches and movement in the middle of the day or practice breathing techniques. Just consciously breathe, move and breathe!


7. Seek out loved ones, close friends, soul friends or family to spend quality time with. Actually plan it out, turn it into an event of sharing and set an intention to be your truest self and be authentic. Share a secret and do not be afraid of judgment—that always works to foster closeness in relationships.

8. Cook dinner as a spiritual and mind-blowing practice—set your table to be sexy, luxurious or charming, pop a bottle of champagne, use your most treasured dishes and utensils to serve and cook with, light candles, spray beautiful scents in the house, use flowers to decorate, take pictures of it all and express gratitude.

Play your favorite music or playlist—of instrumentals, the sounds of waves or waterfalls, meditation music, worship music etc.—while you lay your bed. Use essential oils in your room, under your feet or on your pillow. Set the temperature of your house to best fit you, while you take five minutes before you sleep to journal (e.g. write five things you are grateful for about your day). Close your eyes, say a prayer and just relax until you fall asleep.

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 Assistant Editor: Jamie Khoo/Editor: Bryonie Wise

{Photo via Djeff Act on Pixoto}

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