March 6, 2014

Feeling Down with Mars Retrograde? Katy Perry Can Help

Mars Drawing

We can awaken the divine within—it is possible, even without Mars.

So often, when we are alone, or something is missing from our lives (like Mars) we give up on us. We throw in the towel and stifle the light within. But it is possible to love yourself. Even in the lonely times.

It is the divine and the beauty within us that attracts others to us in the first place. Afterall, Mars revolves around the sun—not the other way around.


You always hold the amazing power to get to know you.  When we get to know something, we understand it, and eventually learn to forgive, accept, and, yes, love it. If you give yourself the chance to stay present with you, then you will love you in time. This awakens the divine magic that lies within you, within us all.

You are worth it. You are beautiful, enough, and as Katy Perry says, possible to be loved.


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Editorial Assistant: Lizzie Kramern / Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Courtesy of Seyyed Hossein Nas

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