May 26, 2015

Don’t Mess With this Yogi’s Coffee Cup. {Poem}


No matter what time you wake up.

I awake and start my pranayama and asanas with pleasure,

But later in the morning I enjoy my brewed treasure.

People often think adopting yoga means an ascetic life,

Yoga is about what you gain and should never mean strife.

Yoga is not about renouncing the here and now,

It’s about presence, connection and teaches you how.

It doesn’t mean music is replaced by silence all of the time,

Nor does it condemn the hip hop in you and the desire to rhyme.

It doesn’t require a religion or a changed belief,

It only requires you to awaken and enjoy the relief.

You need not be limber, or flexible too,

Yoga just asks that you honor that which is—You.

So fear not the introduction to a yoga class,

It won’t require you to be a hippie or eliminate your sass.

Yoga will give you the tools to live a life that’s alive,

Do be in the front seat of your life and learn a steady way to drive,

You’ll feel stronger and calmer and peaceful within,

You’ll recognize what it means in this lifetime to really win.

Your perspective may change and your joy will likely grow,

And will make those sips of coffee part of your daily flow.




Author: Jairo Sanin

Editor: Renée Picard

Image: via the author 


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