May 28, 2015

To You Who are Struggling: Let Me Show You Beauty.

from above

Friend, I see your struggle.

I see the glisten in your gaze as you thrash in the darkness that has become your world because your eyes have not yet adjusted to all of the bright, warm yellow light that there is to be seen.

You have become night blind.

Your veils are thick, and you are not seeing the stars above you in the night sky, the lights in those around you which themselves came from stars, nor that glow within yourself which still remains.

I see you.

The real essence of you.

I see it in the briefest of glances, I feel it when you laugh casually and speak of your dream to live on the water. I see it when you talk about children, or about your own childhood—before life piled onto you it’s layers of which you could not process quickly enough.

Let me show you how to breathe new life into that once strong spirit of yours. Allow me to remind you how to fan that flame of passion for yourself, until you realize that you do not need me.

Let me remind you of why you are here. You came here to love and to play, remember?

Love yourself enough to try to remember.

Remember to play in the simplest of ways—sing to what makes you feel lighter while driving in the car with the windows down and forget about everything you’ve come to believe that is not true.

Stop at that playground and swing—letting your head gently tip back, feeling weightless as you allow any shame from the past or anxiety of the future to fall away. Feel nothing but the buoyancy of your existence in that moment as you glide through the sky, feeling the cool air whisper across your bare skin.

Let me remind you of the beauty—the exquisite allure of the worlds both around and inside all of us, which we have forgotten.

Let me show you the stillness of each morning, the day in its own meditative state, setting its intention to gracefully hold the space in which we bustle, unaware.

Let me bring your awareness to the sage wisdom responsible for the varying shades of green which detoxify and replenish both our inner and outer landscapes. Plants and lungs—and how they nourish each other in a perfectly coordinated dance of give-and-take, like two lovers breathing each other’s breath during the most intimate of moments.

Let me point out the evening beauty of the western sky, as it transforms into a palette on which every dusk we receive another free work of art, always an original display of the most regal purple and fiery orange and reds. These sunsets are like the brilliant pause in a pendulum’s swing, marking the transformation between our sunlit days and our moonlit nights.

But, most importantly, let me remind me of the beauty which is you.

You who lets yourself feel.

You who doesn’t even know your own strength for doing so—for being brave enough to feel yourself through the darkness as it nourishes you like a seed about to sprout open.

The delicate vulnerability in those cleansing tears that you shed, the curiosity in your eyes that surfaces when you feel truly safe, the way that you have touched this heart of mine without even knowing it, and the millions and millions of ripples of love that you have sent out over the course of your existence on this Earth. You have impacted our collective state in ways that are out of our scope of practice as humans to even begin to understand.

You exist, and you exist so beautifully despite your struggles.

I see you.

Be one of the brave souls who chooses to see and love themselves, and then let’s play, together.

Let’s play amazed in this playground that is our life and love and laugh through it all.


Author: Katie Vessell

Editor: Evan Yerburgh

Image: Flickr

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