August 8, 2016

Got Business Goals? One Question every Successful Entrepreneur can Answer.

woman business working tablet

Most of the female entrepreneurs I speak with are often faced with the fraud complex. They can’t confidently answer why they’re the best option for their clients.

The lack of self-confidence results in women entrepreneurs spending a lot of time proving themselves. As a result, they experience burnout, frustration and the constant struggle of trying to get new clients.

How do I know? I was one of them. I wrecked my brain trying to figure out the services I would offer as well as the processes, approach and techniques. I was doing everything under the sun to try and stand out, instead of using my own flare and uniqueness: my unique thinking, thought processes, intellect and personality.

Why do you matter in business?

Your business isn’t just a service or product. It is about helping your clients get from point A to B. It’s the journey that moves them closer to their goals. All of the women entrepreneurs I know get enjoyment from being a part of their clients’ journey. So you see, your business is not just a business; it’s an extension of yourself and a part of who you are.

We are spiritual beings and our business should embrace it.

“The more you insist on improving who and what you are, the more you become the master of your destiny.”

~ Rod Stryker

The Four Desires speaks about the process of living a fulfilled and meaningful life by honoring four desires: dharma, artha, kama and moksha. It translates to our unique purpose. It allows us to become who we’re supposed to be and free ourselves from the burden of the world. This is what women entrepreneurs seek. Their business is a means for them to carry out their purpose while making a positive impact on others and the world.

I struggled to answer why I was the best option for my clients because I wasn’t clear on the why behind my business. A business is spiritless and lifeless when the why is unclear and money is the only driving force. It can feel sleazy, greedy and selfish. Understanding the why will help align an entrepreneur’s purpose and goals.

I instantly gained confidence and started to understand the meaning of my work when I realized my business is my vehicle to carry out my purpose. It feels right and it fuels me to speak with conviction when I answer “why me?” The answer is I was born to do this. I proudly accept it and step into it. I am ready to serve.

I focus on getting better at my own journey in order to continue serving others at the highest level. Most often what prevents us from achieving our business goals has nothing to do with strategy. It boils down to our values and beliefs. We must learn self-love and worthiness, as well as compassion and forgiveness for others. Our purpose and conviction to improve become clear when we understand the “why” behind our business.



Essentials for Healthy Entrepreneurs


     Author: Whitney Mullings

     Image: Benjamin Child/ Unsplash 

     Apprentice Editor: Ebbie Drew; Editor: Travis May



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