January 5, 2017

Senator Bernie Sanders printed out this gigantic Trump tweet & brought it to Congress today.

Senator Bernie Sanders printed out a gigantic Trump tweet and brought it to congress from pics

Senator Bernie Sanders printed out a gigantic Trump tweet and brought it to Congress (i.redd.it)

Update:The Senate voted 51-48 to begin repealing Obamacare today. (c-span.org) If you oppose repealing the Affordable Healthcare Act, start putting pressure on your senators and representatives now. Here’s a calling script with phone numbers.

With the Affordable Healthcare Act (better known as Obamacare) in the sights of the GOP (their avowed first order of business is to repeal it, without replacement), Bernie and others are taking a stand. Context: there’s a Medicaid expansion in the ACA that Republicans are thinking about repealing.


Millions of people voted for him on the belief that he would keep his word,” Sanders said on the Senate floor, referring to Trump’s promises during the election campaign.

“If he was sincere, then I would hope that tomorrow or maybe today he could send out a tweet and tell his Republican colleagues to stop wasting their time and all of our time. And for Mr. Trump to tell the American people that he will veto any proposal that cuts Medicare, that cuts Medicaid or that cuts Social Security.”


Trump’s plausible response:

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