August 11, 2008

In Great Britain, Wind Power sucks.

Want to read a well-written, thoughtfully-considered article about renewable energy? Get thee to a proper web site.

Can’t bear to leave elephantjournal.com, too hopped up on caffeine? I know the feeling—so here’s an excerpt, by Mark Seall: 

Despite British government commitments to generate 20% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020, proposals for wind turbine installations tend to run aground pretty quickly once local opposition is voiced. “Inefficient, Wasteful and Wrong Headed” shouts one local magazine article. “Money over common sense” states Dorset Against Rural Turbines, along with pictures of dead birds and videos of exploding windmills.

Two thirds of the UK Government’s climate change targets have been missed, and its renewable energy targets look set to join that list. People want digital TV recorders, plug-in hybrid vehicles, wide-screen TV’s and a multitude of other devices which contribute towards increasing energy demands. Unfortunately they don’t want nuclear power, dirty coal fired power stations, wind turbines, off-shore tidal barrages, or any other form of energy production – unless it is situated somewhere else.

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