December 22, 2008

“Ur so Gay,” and you even like Soy?!

Blogging about 15 minute It girl Katy Perry’s Kissing a Girl and Liking it song, and using it to riff on how I hate it when girls wear conventional chemical cancer-related perfume and makeup (and recommending an non-toxic chapstick while I was at it)…I tripped into Katy’s weak Ur So Gay song (below).

Katy’s done it again: put out a pop-ular song that manages to flirt, insensitively yet harmlessly, with bisexuality—though really this one is more about metrosexuality…and being an eco boy.

Apparently being into veganism, hybrids and soy milk is a mark of being a girly boy! If that’s the case, serve this soy boy a dry cappuccino—though ya’ll can keep the H&M scarf—I’d rather take Katy.


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