January 24, 2009

White House 1.0.

Interesting story in Washington Post about how the White House is, like, stuck in 2002. At best. And the Obama Administration’s frustrations and early successes in bringing it online so they can run a sleek, efficient, savvy ship—which’ll help ’em guide our society out of the mud.



…By late evening, the vaunted new White House Web site did not offer any updated posts about President Obama‘s busy first day on the job, which included an inaugural prayer service, an open house with the public, and meetings with his economic and national security teams.

Nor did the site reflect the transparency Obama promised to deliver. “The President has not yet issued any executive orders,” it stated hours after Obama issued executive orders to tighten ethics rules, enhance Freedom of Information Act rules and freeze the salaries of White House officials who earn more than $100,000.

The site was updated for the first time last night, when information on the executive orders was added. But there were still no pool reports or blog entries.

No one could quite explain the problem — but they swore it would be fixed.

One member of the White House new-media team came to work on Tuesday, right after the swearing-in ceremony, only to discover that it was impossible to know which programs could be updated, or even which computers could be used for which purposes. The team members, accustomed to working onMacintoshes, found computers outfitted with six-year-old versions of Microsoftsoftware. Laptops were scarce, assigned to only a few people in the West Wing. The team was left struggling to put closed captions on online videos.

Senior advisers chafed at the new arrangements, which severely limit mobility — partly by tradition but also for security reasons and to ensure that all official work is preserved under the Presidential Records Act…


Read the rest at the venerable Post.

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