January 24, 2009


Nice tattoo, Mr. President. We know Harry Reid does yoga…anyone know if Obama’s ever geared up and stretched out?

This month’s AWWWHA goes to…[drumroll]…

Lululemon’s latest ad on the back cover of the current issue of Yoga Journal is …a little silly. And cute. And evocative of the notion that a President Obama offers the possibility of we Americans furthering peace—all good things. It coulda even be a contendah for Best.Ad.Ever—given its simple, un-commercial rendering, its connecting the political sphere (albeit without Mr. Obama’s permission) with our mindfulness practice on the yoga mat. Now if only the big successful yoga-clothing company Lululemon supported we little (for now) guys like elephantjournaldotcom, and didn’t just take the back cover of the new issue of Yoga Journal, which though lovely and pioneering and run by smart, supportive-of-elephant yoginis, is now corporate-owned.

Big Business-owned (instead of mission-driven) ain’t necessarily bad, of course—but as Amy Goodman says, it’s…different. Especially when it comes to democracy’s Fourth Estate.

Know of a LOHAS/green/spiritually-minded business who could use a little attention from elephant’s 55K unique readers, 22% of whom return at least once a month, and all of whom click on 1.75 pages average? Let me know. I’m halfway through a six-month transition from ecopaper to paperless, and need community support (see ads on the left of this blog) if we’re gonna get there. Anyone who joins our advertisers before February 1 will get one month prime position, up top, by way of thanks—and we’re always in any case happy to do reviews, articles, blogs (though we will say what we think, whether positive or constructive).

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