August 5, 2009

Twenty Years From Now ~ via Laura Erdman-Luntz.

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain

What is something you have always wanted to do? Something you might have admitted only to your journal? Imagine having it still undone five years from now. How does that feel? Is it time to begin? Is it time to let the wind catch your sails? Is it time to explore? Dream? Discover?

Join Laura Erdman-Luntz, MA, E-RYT(500), Life Coach for a powerful teleclass.  Ignite Your Life will launch you into the life of your dreams, into more joy and vibrancy. Incorporating a workbook, yoga, visualization, and breathing exercises into the coaching format, this program is a powerful way to change your life!  She teaches monthly free teleclass introductions to the program. Register for the free class or series here.

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