September 19, 2009

Yoga Journal Conference at YMCA Rockies in Estes Park.

To register for the program, click here. Use the code in our Yoga Journal banner ad to get $50 off. We’ll see you there!


Yoga Journal Conference in Estes Park, Colorado, set between towering mountains and herds of elk, features many of the world’s preeminent yoga teachers and over 1,000 avid students of America’s favorite spiritual fitness routine. Waylon Lewis of elephantjournal.com and company will be on the scene, tweeting, videoing, photoing, blogging.

My favorite yoga conference on planet earth is coming up. I’ve gone for years, missing a year here and there, but when we’ve been there we’ve loved it so—I call it the Valhalla of yoga, the place is crawling with famous, wonderfully-knowledgeable quality yoga teachers like John Friend—that we’ve done an average of 15 or 18 pages of interviews with Cyndi Lee, Seane Corn, Tias Little, Baron Baptiste and other general coverage of the conference in elephant magazine.

Now that we’re a web site, we look forward to covering day by day, blow by blow, tweeting and facebooking all the while…and doing a wrap-up, as we did with the recent Telluride Yoga Fest. We also hope to do a video, as we did with Wanderlust.

Hope to see you there! Click here to see what teachers are attending this year.

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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 866,690