February 2, 2010

Homemaker Buddha.

Meditation practice isn’t for monks on top of peaceful mountains. It’s for life: silly, messy, aggressive, humble daily life.

Ever feel like this? Busy/crazy/sometimes lazy with the many mundane details of daily life, yet still focused, smiling, holding your seat?

The above reminds me of me, only my tools are laptop, dog leash, bicycle, cappuccino, iPhone…and, oh yeah, though my Buddha Nature is intact, I’m farrr from enlightened.

With thanks for the tip to Bob Weisenberg, who is everywhere. And to YogaDawg, the source.

Via Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche:

Two things cannot happen at once; it is impossible.

It is easy to imagine that two things are happening at once, because our journey back and forth between the two may be very speedy. But even then we are doing only one thing at a time.

The idea of mindfulness of mind is to slow down the fickleness of jumping back and forth. We have to realize that we are not extraordinary mental acrobats. We are not all that well trained. And even an extraordinarily well-trained mind could not manage that many things at once—not even two.

But because things are very simple and direct, we can focus on, be aware and mindful of, one thing at a time.

That one-pointedness, that bare attention, seems to be the basic point.

From “The Four Foundations of Mindfulness,” in The Heart of the Buddha, page 46.

© Diana J. Mukpo. Used here by arrangement with Diana J. Mukpo and Shambhala Publications, Inc.

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week

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