March 29, 2010

The Debate (gets Heated): Does God Exist? Deepak Chopra + Jean Houston v athiests Dr. Michael Shermer + Sam Harris.

God v Science?

A fascinating, heated and important debate.

As a Buddhist (non-theist), I’d like to believe in the sort of god Henry David Thoeau talks about—but I certainly can’t, and don’t believe in the sort of Old White Man God represented in the Bible. It’s mythology, to me, though full of mostly wonderful teachings (though I don’t go in for all of it). D

“The very embodiment of woo woo.”


“Maybe you need to meditate more..!”

I first heard tell about this impassioned, and slightly nasty week-long (!) debate on twitter, direct from Dr. Chopra, who was saying “It’s all good” or something to that effect, in response to Sam Harris (a hero in Buddhist circles) sort of apologizing, sort of bragging that he got a bit nasty in his debate with Dr. Chopra.

Enjoy (for once, a serious, important subject is packaged in a fun manner [like everything Dr. Chopra does] on mainstream TV):

The complete debate is on youtube. Watch the below, then doubleclick and follow the various videos posted by AtheistMediaBlog:

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