October 3, 2010

China’s Banned List.

China Suppresses Dissent? No.

Video Games. Books. Web Sites. Humans. China’s ban happy.

“China has strict censorship rules for all media.

They also only permit a few foreign movies to be released in China per year, which is why major motion pictures like Iron Man 3 will deliberately make a “China edition” of their movie with additional scenes with Chinese actors to try to sway the Chinese censors.

That’s also why Huawei, a major Chinese electronics company, was one of the big product placement companies in Iron Man 3.

It was all to appease the Chinese censors.


an additional four minutes of Chinese scenes were included for viewers in that country giving a minor plot twist and a few shots of female heartthrob Fan Bingbing and another local Chinese star, Wang Xueqi, against a Chinese background.

In addition, director Shane Black shot scenes in Beijing and used famous Chinese actors who do not appear in the International version. He even signed product placement deals with Chinese companies.”

The Celebrity Blacklist, plus Videos.

Sources include Dalai Lama Renaissance, Wenn.com, Canoe.ca and LA Times:

China leads the [international] list door-slammers.

Brad Pitt was banned from China because of the actor’s starring role in “7 Years in Tibet” upset Chinese officials for a positive portrayal of the Dalai Lama.

Director Martin Scorsese was banned from China after directing the film “Kundun,” based on the teachings of the Dalai Lama…

Actor Harrison Ford was banned from China after testifying at the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee in support of an independent Tibet.

Actor Richard Gere was banned from China. You guessed it. He is a devout Buddhist and supporter of the Dalai Lama and Tibetan independence…

…Bob Dylan…

…and Singer Bjork was banned from China after dedicating her song “Declare Independence” to the Tibetan freedom movement.


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