February 18, 2011

Your worth as a woman depends on people looking at your butt. {lululemon’s manifesto gets spoofed}

lululemon, spoofed.

With my personal thanks and gassho to Yoga Dork for the heads up.

A student project spoofs the consumerism behind the lululemon manifesto, seen on posters and totes everywhere.

Lululemon, lowercase, is the uber successful yoga apparel brand so famous at making your tush look good it’s called the “lululumon butt”) is so good at rocking from a spiritual, women-first pov. Here’s the actual Lululemon manifesto:

Here’s the spoof. Click here, then click on the image’s text for more info about each criticism.

Two comments from the student site:

It’s difficult to hear when something we love is bad.

There are many companies that make organic, fair trade or local yoga gear for the same price or less than lululemon.

you can’t argue that lululemon has no choice. if companies don’t have a choice, why would ethical options exist?

~ on the other hand ~

seriously guys? There is nothing wrong with lulu lemon… don’t hate the player, hate the game.

Personally, I like lululemon. This writer on elephant may not love them. Or this one. Or, this one.

But I don’t hold their success against them. They’ve rocked the rapidly growing yoga market, have sweet staff and great messaging and messaging and messaging and style. I do wish they’d walk their inspiring talk more with more Made in USA and Canada and organic and fair-trade apparel.

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